Cockerel Sudden Swollen Eye


May 30, 2021
Eastern WA

Our 4 month Welsummer cockerel presented with a swollen eye this afternoon. He appeared normal yesterday. No other chickens impacted.

He appears normal otherwise, eating and drinking. Hubby just set him up a spot in the garage. We had a hawk incident yesterday and today was really foggy so everyone has been locked in the coop today (41 in a 20x10 space). He's a newer addition to the flock from the bachelor pad about three weeks ago. The bachelor pad has been setup since we got the chicks so it's nothing new. No birds intro'd to the flock except these chicks four months ago.


Just checked, throat is completely open and clear. Ears look good. No discharge from nostril or eye. Really weird. It's firm feeling like there is something pushing out.
I wonder if he bumped his head during the hawk attack, and caused the swelling? I would watch it for the next few days, to see if it increases or goes down. There are no bubbles or material in the eye, so it doesn’t seem like a respiratory disease. Occasionally there will be about about a swollen eye later being a tumor in the skull, but it could be from the hawk attack, or the aftermath.
Could be tons of things honestly. If a snake bit him it could cause this. We had the SAME exact thing happen and turns out he had ran into a stick. Also could be a infection but not likely considering his age.
I wonder if he bumped his head during the hawk attack, and caused the swelling? I would watch it for the next few days, to see if it increases or goes down. There are no bubbles or material in the eye, so it doesn’t seem like a respiratory disease. Occasionally there will be about about a swollen eye later being a tumor in the skull, but it could be from the hawk attack, or the aftermath.
Thanks, I'll keep an eye on him! Hopefully not a tumor, he's a keeper and such a happy boy.
Well he continues to maintain his condition, still no discharge or indication of an illness and he remains the only chicken impacted. Perfectly healthy poop and appetite, still calling to the ladies when given treats even though they are outside and he's inside. Stumped.

How is the other swollen eye? I would put him back out with the others. They are much more comfortable with the flock. If he is out too long, they might pick on him when he goes back in.
How is the other swollen eye? I would put him back out with the others. They are much more comfortable with the flock. If he is out too long, they might pick on him when he goes back in.
It's the same eye though one was with the back camera and one with the selfie camera so it looks flipped.

Attempted to reintegrate him and it didn't go well with the top roo. So he's going out into a separate run with full visibility during the day and back into the garage at night (icy cold outside for one little guy).

Still no change in presentation.

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