Real coffee before noon and decaf afternoon, I love reminds me of the real thing.
Have you ever tried Chicory? I could only have decaf and at times the chemical process would cause problems. I saw the health benefits of Chicory and tried it. I love it! It is very good and so many benefits. You can have it anytime of day!
Have you ever tried Chicory? I could only have decaf and at times the chemical process would cause problems. I saw the health benefits of Chicory and tried it. I love it! It is very good and so many benefits. You can have it anytime of day!
Chicory contains a lot of inulin. I have problems with inulin, specifically, gas. I eat a lot of foods that contain it, anyway. Some of the protein bars I used to buy had quite a bit in them. Eat one bar, and I had a lot of gas. I made the mistake of eating two only once.
Have you ever tried Chicory? I could only have decaf and at times the chemical process would cause problems. I saw the health benefits of Chicory and tried it. I love it! It is very good and so many benefits. You can have it anytime of day!
Welcome to the thread! I seem to remember chicory being sold during the 70’s when there was a coffee shortage. I don’t remember if we had any though. I’d try it if I found some.
Good morning had chicory years ago as a kid.
DH is diabetic so coffee here too.
He used stevia in his coffee. Made a big pot hot black coffee.
Up at 8 to wake the birds let the birds and dogs out.
Sun is out for the day here may even see 50 temperatures.

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