Morning, CC. Thanks for the coffee, Shad. Not big on tea, Perris.
It's a cold 20F this morning but will warm up to nearly 40F this afternoon.
It wasn't too bad moving 4 sheets of drywall yesterday. Heading out to get the last 20 sheets today and then spend the majority of my day hanging in.
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Good morning everyone! Sitting here with my first cup of coffee enjoying one of the first mornings where you don't freeze your tush off when you open the door.

Calling for mid 60s today and a chance for thunderstorms. I hope! Nothing says spring like the rumble of thunder!
Hello everyone! I had to scrape frost off the windshield for the first time this winter. Went and bought a kid's playhouse as a coop for my bantam cochins this morning.
In other news, it is lockdown day!
New experience wash a silkie had not paid a ton of attention to them lately
she had food stuck in balls or food and crap stuck in balls on their feet
So one a day only have 4 but now look at the others we had a nipple get stuck
brought the bucket in cleaned it worked fine but floor got wet only coop with a floor gosh hate that :gig

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