Thanks For the coffee George really wanted my second cup..
To be Honest we both can snore like frieght trains we sleep in seperate
rooms both take benadryl before bed ... he says mine has gotten real quiet and cute now .. yes he can fib too
I love having my own bedroom! And a good morning to all.
Jack v. McD's... I'll take a (Jack) Supreme Sausage Sandwich, please. Just not every day. There's too much funky fat in fast food.

Princesses don't snore; they purr.

DH & I both have sleep apnea, so we had dueling elbow nudges before the CPAPs came along. Now I'll nudge him occasionally when his mask slips with wind tunnel noises or he gurgles. Most of our sleep interruptions involve the dog who sprawls. She's a bed hog, for sure. Thankfully, only one dog sleeps on the bed.
I only use the Target pharmacy - since the '90's. Know the pharmacist very well, we both got gray around the same time but, he has cheated and dyes his hair.* I get all my shots/vaccinations through Target. plus they usually give a $ 5. Target coupon to use in the store.

BTW our sons both went through bad acne at the same time - and we all survived !!

* just teasing about his hair. I know when you work- if you have gray hair you get age discrimination.

My bus driver (senior bus) and neighbor had to dye his hair when he was a scout for sport teams or else they would have canned him. He was very good at his job.

I LOVE my white/silver, long, long(and getting longer) hair and if anyone doesn't like it they can go :smackthemselves.
Princesses don't snore; they purr.

DH & I both have sleep apnea, so we had dueling elbow nudges before the CPAPs came along. Now I'll nudge him occasionally when his mask slips with wind tunnel noises or he gurgles. Most of our sleep interruptions involve the dog who sprawls. She's a bed hog, for sure. Thankfully, only one dog sleeps on the bed.

You've never met MY Princess. :lau She also has a slight sleep apnea - think I'll get a CPAP for her.
Hey made it back. Have a Ice tea cleaned two coops letting hip pain subside before trying to do the last one .. After all grocery where repacked in meal size then added to correct freezer along with other crap put away gee why I am fried here ... Broke a thumb nail last night opening my closet of all things snapped into the meat Ouch..........
Hey made it back. Have a Ice tea cleaned two coops letting hip pain subside before trying to do the last one .. After all grocery where repacked in meal size then added to correct freezer along with other crap put away gee why I am fried here ... Broke a thumb nail last night opening my closet of all things snapped into the meat Ouch..........
Did you find your missing duck?

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