Coffee before breakfast!

Currently about 42 degrees here and a hazy sky, reddish dawn. Supposed to hit 80 today, but methinks it'll be mid-70's. Unhealthful air came early as my eyes were stinging yesterday when outside.

Our temps here are still up in the 80's. It will cool off more in December and January. Although we will still have humidity but not the high numbers like in the summer.
It's a glorious day here in L.A. (Lower Alabama). Sun is shining, nice breeze, not too hot, not chilly. Soooooooo, I took little maranantha out for a sun bath. She deserves a breath of fresh air since she's been cooped up in her hospital bed. She stretched right out and took her a sun bath in true fashion. I did notice one of her hocks being really really bruised/bluish. No wonder she hunkers down so much.. but she's standing up to stretch, and walking as much as room allows in her 'box'. I need a small cage for her. She's got a healthy appetite today. Added small pieces of echinacea purpea to her food so she can eat them if she wants. Chickens like it and it's antibiotic/antiviral/antimicrobial as well as immune booster and anti-inflamatory. She's getting that as well as hemp oil and b-vitamins (liquid) in her dry food. One day at a time! Also let her out on the ground where she vigorously pecked at ants passing by, and ate some 'dirt'.
It's a glorious day here in L.A. (Lower Alabama). Sun is shining, nice breeze, not too hot, not chilly. Soooooooo, I took little maranantha out for a sun bath. She deserves a breath of fresh air since she's been cooped up in her hospital bed. She stretched right out and took her a sun bath in true fashion. I did notice one of her hocks being really really bruised/bluish. No wonder she hunkers down so much.. but she's standing up to stretch, and walking as much as room allows in her 'box'. I need a small cage for her. She's got a healthy appetite today. Added small pieces of echinacea purpea to her food so she can eat them if she wants. Chickens like it and it's antibiotic/antiviral/antimicrobial as well as immune booster and anti-inflamatory. She's getting that as well as hemp oil and b-vitamins (liquid) in her dry food. One day at a time! Also let her out on the ground where she vigorously pecked at ants passing by, and ate some 'dirt'.

Sounds like she is doing quite well. Keep up the good work.

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