Coffee grounds for bedding?

I don't have a copy handy but did you read the thread that is really lengthy (it's really informative.) ?? I use sand and PDZ in poop trays. I'm not opposed to coffee grounds but when sand is so easy to get I just wouldn't take the time. I toss coffee grounds in my compost.
I don't have a copy handy but did you read the thread that is really lengthy (it's really informative.) ?? I use sand and PDZ in poop trays. I'm not opposed to coffee grounds but when sand is so easy to get I just wouldn't take the time. I toss coffee grounds in my compost.
I haven’t read that thread? I’ve been looking for posts about it. I’m still navigating this site lol thank you!! We have a local organic coffee shop that gives away used coffee grounds and I was thinking that would be a free way to get some bedding 😂
Rural King has coffee ground bedding that's especially made for this - I linked it below (caffeine-free, dry, etc.) . It's $12 for 35 lbs. I haven't used it, but I'm considering it for my 💩 shelf. I wouldn't use just any coffee grounds - risk of birds ingesting caffeine (not good) and needing to ensure complete dryness, etc., probably safer and less of a hassle to just buy the product that's made for the purpose. 😀
I don’t remember which thread it is, but many people have lost chicks from using coffee ground bedding (and I think it was the one that Rural King and TSC sell). Something about the caffeine getting into their system. I can’t remember if anyone lost grown chickens.
I have a small coop for up to 4 chickens. I had always used 100% sweet PDZ on the floor of the coop. Recently I started mixing in some of the coffee ground bedding from Rural King. What I scoop makes its way into the compost. I figured that while sweet PDZ is okay for the compost, the coffee grounds are beneficial. Plus, it's supposed to have less dust. (and I have no coffee habit to ruin! :lau ) I have no young chicks in the coop to worry about. It's a shade less expensive. All around it seems like a win to mix in with sweet pdz.
It's an interesting idea but knowing how coffee is there's problems to it. Grounds need to be throughly dry, then there's the part when your chicken poops on it. Wet grounds will stain your interior and I can't image the combo smell of both being present. That would ruin my coffee habit.
That’s funny! I did read about making sure to dry them thoroughly first! And as for the coffee habit I can’t stand the stuff so I don’t think that would be an issue for me! 😂 but I didn’t think about it staining the floor....🤔

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