
In the Brooder
Dec 9, 2024
My Coop
My Coop

I purchased the Silver and White King Quail hatching eggs from Garrie Landry. Looks like I have at least 3 Silvers and 1 White?

I do have 1 Normal Wildtype from a different line. They will share the same breeding pen [Wildtype, Silver, and White]. What colors will I get from them? [I know that it is a no-no on Silver—Silver breeding]

If I want to produce a Pied/Tuxedo, Panda, or Splash, what colors do I need to include?

Thank you! 🌹
Based on what you've said of the parents, your guesses seem right. The problem is, if you don't know for certain what genes the parents carry, it's way to early to tell their adult colours. The yellow one will most likely be white.

If you breed the white one with your wild type, you are likely to get pieds (tuxedo, white wing, white spots on wild type). With the silvers, you might get pieds, you might get wild types, you might get silvers.

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