
Well, the guy buying my eggs for hatching today commented that he's getting a lot of barred chicks and barely any all black (Australorps), which he wants. I told him I didn't know it, but evidently that Dominique roo has some strong mojo and was covering the BA hens more/better than the 2 BA roos. So I told him I'd take care of it and the Dom would become soup
I've been wanting to get him out of there anyway, so now would be the perfect time. He said not to cook him, he'd buy him, and asked how much. I guess he lost all but one hen during the real cold we had and wanted the roo for his hen. So, the BA's are now back to a pure breed enclosure, he has a Dom roo for his hen, and I'm $10.00 richer

Was talking with my neighbor behind me and he asked if I had any fertile eggs he could hatch. He's hatching all Mil Fleurs and quail for sale, and wanted to hatch a few full sized birds for a change, so he bought 2 dozen as well. Now I'm starting to feel the hatching bug biting...

Hope everyone enjoyed the summer weather we had today! man... 80 degrees... was beautiful! Hate the thought of going back to work tomorrow
Have left all the windows/vents open in the coops as the temps aren't supposed to be below freezing for the foreseeable future (next several days anyway) here. Warm weather is a nice break, but I'm not looking forward to another hot/dry summer...
Today was beautiful. My kids were outside most of the day, and no one wore a coat. That's a big deal, because my oldest wears sweaters to bed, she's always cold like me.
My husband cemented in the posts for the sidewalls of my veggie/blackberry garden. We're using 24 ft of the three rail fence as the back wall, and made 24 ft sidewalks, and then it'll have a gate. The blackberry bushes will be trellised to the back and side walls, and we're going to put in at least five raised beds for veggies and strawberries. I'm pretty excited, since I've always wanted blackberry bushes.
We actually opened windows today's, and got some fresh air in the house.
Out enjoying the nice weather. Going to be moving the flock into our garden area and let them work our beds. Should be fun the gang is super happy with this weather, I think a bit hot too early for me, got 20/23 eggs yesterday so I am pleased. Been feeding FORCO a priobiotic feed supplement, gonna get feed fermenting then can cut that out.

Cute babies everyone!
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Here's my new garden area. We threw BOSS out yesterday, trying to get some of the weeds roughed up, because we're going to dig out about a foot, then lay paper then cover with compost and soil. Weed prevention is the best use I've found for the mountain of paper bags I bring home from commissary shopping.


I have no idea what the distance is, I took the pic from the back door. It only cost $20 so far, and that was for the concrete. Three years ago, when we moved in we pulled out about thirty of those round posts, from all over the property. Some of them didn't even make sense, it was like the guy just liked digging holes and cementing stuff. We have rolls of hardware cloth saved from the chicken run roof, which we took down last year. The only out of pocket will be the gate hardware and the goat wire. We really have to reinforce with goat wire and hardware cloth to keep the rabbits out, they're evil little things that ate through two Apple trees last year.
I think my two cherry trees, which we planted last fall, are dead. So, I'll have to dig them up and have the nursery replace them. That stinks.
Love all the cute chick pictures! Great job on the hatching!

Huh, he lost all his chickens to the cold snap? How is that even possible, unless he had them outside or in a not so well made coop???? Something fishy in that story, but at least you got $10 for a rooster you no longer needed! Poor guy, hope they take good care of him.

Beautiful day here, so glad the worst of winter is behind us, pretty soon we will be complaining how hot it is!!! LOL

Here are a few of my Cochin hatchlings...... I set them a early because of the warmer temps.

Love all the cute chick pictures! Great job on the hatching!

Huh, he lost all his chickens to the cold snap? How is that even possible, unless he had them outside or in a not so well made coop???? Something fishy in that story, but at least you got $10 for a rooster you no longer needed! Poor guy, hope they take good care of him.

Beautiful day here, so glad the worst of winter is behind us, pretty soon we will be complaining how hot it is!!! LOL

Here are a few of my Cochin hatchlings...... I set them a early because of the warmer temps.

Look at their cute tiny feathered feet! :D
How are your polish growing? As you know I only got two, first she picked out a medium and small one but I had her put the small one back and grab one of the bigger ones. The big one is growing like a weed, and is TWICE the size of the small one! It's bothering me because now the small one is literally 1/4 the size of the big chicks and they really push her around. The big one is just fine. Little one is super spunky, but I wish she would grow. I don't think she's grown at all since I got her! Look at her tiny little legs!

Also, how is your little grandma EE chick turning out? Mine had a color burst the last 2 weeks!

Crazy how different she looks already!

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