
good morning to all!

i have a huge favor to ask. my 6 months old son was diagnosed with a serious brain disorder two weeks ago and has to be under constant care of doctors. which means that we have to move from gunnison to springs or denver area. the story is very long and devastating so I'm just going to skip to the point. I have a wonderful bunch of chickens that need to find a foster home. with everything that was taken away from me by these horrible horrible news i really would like to not have to lose those chickens too. we are going to be living with family for a while because my husband had to quit his job since we got the news to stay closer to home and is looking for another job in the area and i can't work because the baby needs constant care. but hopefully sooner than later we will get our own place and will be able have our chickens again.

is there anyone in pueblo or colorado springs area that can take care of them for us? we can pay for their food. please help :(

I too am hoping for the best outcome possible for your family.
I send my best wishes that whatever can be done for your son is done well and quickly.

I am sure with all the nice folks here someone will be able to help out with the chickens. I am far away and overloaded with chickens or I would gladly help.

Just in case anyone is looking for more chickens (thinking Yea right like there is anyone on here that is NOT looking)
Ideal's specials are showing up today and yes the bantams for 95 cents each is on there. (have to order 25+)

They also have Polish for 1.50 if you order 25+.
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I couldn't find the bantam special you were talking about, then I FINALLY saw the 'bantam special' tab.
It is straight run of hatchery choice; "Bantam Special is the hatchery's choice of Pure Bred Bantams, which have not been sold as specific breed bantams and have not been used in other assortments. A nice variety of bantams will be included in this special. Ideal has more varieties of bantams than any other hatchery."
I really, really want americana bantams. I guess I will have to wait another year....
I have to wait as well Mo.

On a different note.....
The tomato plants are doing quite well for me this year.
My ground it totally bentonite and holds water like clay aka concrete. This year I dug huge holes and filled them with potting mix in them. I put my tomatoes out LATE and they are over 4 foot tall now with a lot of fruit set on and doing quite fantastically.
The raised beds we built and put imported from the landscape supply company soil in have the best looking cucumber plants I think I have ever grown in them. The cabbage got ravaged by bugs but may recover. Pepper plants are also looking good in the raised beds.
SSSSOOOOOOO much easier to tend the plants this way.

I went and turned the soil in the chicken runs and the littles run had a LOT of night crawlers in there. The older hens run not so much. The younger chickens do not show interest in the worms so I tossed a handful in with the old ladies and let them have a go.

Hoping everyone has a good weekend and gets to enjoy some outdoor time before the rain tomorrow.

Well, my coop run was finally dry enough to clean out for our next session of rain tomorrow..... the girls helped me turn it over, and found some bugs, and worms in the process! I kept my over head plastic up this year, helps keep most of the run dry, but the corners is where it is all funneled, so they get super wet!

Hopefully someone close to where you are moving can foster your flock. Have you looked on line for a support group? There are tons of groups, and would be nice to connect with people who are, or have gone through what you are going through now. All the best to you, and your little family!!!!!

Looks like hatching is winding down til fall for me, the girls are slowing down on laying, seems they are molting early by a few weeks this year???? Who can blame them! Going to be lows in the mid 40's again for the next few days, highs in the mid to upper 60's. We had summer for three or four days, upper 70's, and now cooler temps again! I am not complaining, I love it, but my squash, and cukes, not so much, they love it hot!

A picture of one of my blue frizzles I hatched this year.
I had to share this one with you all. Victoria is now an official layer! She is 19 weeks old now and is the first of this years chickens to be laying.
Hers is the green one and the brown one is from my 5 year old Black Australorp.


Such a cute little fluffy chicken you hatched out.
I am envious of your cooler temps. I am NOT like a cucumber lol. Hot is not for me. (The building I work in is just as hot inside as the parking lot is outside.)
I was looking at the temperature in Kansas today, and I'm so glad we moved before the real heat got there. They've been in a great advisory all week. I think your office needs an air conditioner! Our house doesn't have one and some days I definitely wish it did.
I'm super excited, I finally got to buy my Renegade last week. I was driving on Wednesday, and it started pouring rain, and my little Jeep blew through those puddles like they were nothing. My poor Forte couldn't handle this weather, and I have almost gotten stuck in the Falcon Safeway parking lot because of rivers of rain. I'm sure it's going to do great this winter.
I have a LF Cochin hen that refuses to quit being broody, it's making me crazy. We've moved her all over the place, trying to break her, and she is SO stubborn. We finally have her in a cage. My husband says he's not letting her out till she lays an egg. This is the problem with Mareks, I have zero options for hens I can't use. I can not just kill them every time something like this comes I'm stuck with her. She's less than a year old, so it doesn't make sense to kill her...just keep feeding her, and hope she gets with the program sometime soon. I can't even find the kind of eggs I want, to put her to good use...and I bet when I find them later, I won't have a broody.
I was looking at the temperature in Kansas today, and I'm so glad we moved before the real heat got there. They've been in a great advisory all week. I think your office needs an air conditioner! Our house doesn't have one and some days I definitely wish it did.

We got a swamp cooler last summer, it is awesome! Uses a lot less energy then AC, and cools so well. We got the slim profile MasterCool at Lowes, I have not regretted it one bit. Our house was an oven our first summer here.
Super good advice. I could not live without the swamp cooler here. My windows are huge and face the WRONG way. So much sun heats this house up something awful.

Even a portable room swamp cooler can help. Just don't run it in a small room that has no fresh air coming in or you end up with Mississippi in there.

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