
As everyone knows, I work at the VA in Denver now. Prior to starting, I thought I had dog proofed my area. My dogs aren't chicken aggressive if we are out there but if we aren't, I never did trust them, especially the 16 month old Anakin.

I came home tonight and my whole family was at my house. My son had come home from college today and Annie had gotten out of his inner gate and into the chicken area and he took out many of my feathered kids. He took out my two polish, my silkie rooster, Beakers, 3 of the remaining babies under the broody hen(there are 3 left), one of my colloncas (the other is in seclusion for abrasions), my black marans but not my marans rooster, my partridge, 3 of my cuckoo marans and 2 of the EFs not in the house along with 2 of my 4 first generation of laying eggs. He took out my black stars and 1 red star. Millie, my d'uccle made it. My broody hen has significant feather loss to her neck area but no punctures and 3 of the remaining ones made it.

So I did what anyone would do, I gathered the eggs, took out the turkey eggs from the incubator and will set the eggs officially tomorrow. I am down to 34 adults and 14 babies inside, 3 outside. The **** ducks are fine so am assuming that the drake kept them safe. I've told so many people to never, ever put your eggs immediately in the fridge. That you must have at least 2 days worth of eggs, just in case. Never, in a million years, did I think I'd be taking my own advice.

I have two more in the house right now recuperating. I have an easter egger with loss of skin around her neck but not severe and a marans with severe trauma to her neck and back. The collonca I gave a sitz bath too as the damage to her rectum looks correctable and superficial. The other two are wait and see. I was going to cull the marans but she's a fighter. The marans severe, very, very severe. She's in her own box in the back room where the younger pullets from two hatches are with the 2 turkeys and EFs as that is a very warm area. The EE is in the spare bathtub but she's already trying to get out. THe collonca will be in the dark pantry while I try very hard to cut off egg production so that her rectal area can heal.

So I just spent the last 4 hours with my brother and sil stringing hot wire along the inner fence where the dog run is. If the shock isn't enough to put the fear of pain in them, I'll go higher and higher until it does.

I'm emotionally and physically exhausted right now and just heartsick for Beakers.

I'm worn out right now, emotionally and physically exhausted. I did everything I could think to do to try to keep my flock safe. I'm down to only 34 now and the babies and young pullets. I'm down to only 2 roosters, although my first generation rooster does have a non-fatal puncture wound. He's pretty though.

Oh no! I am sorry! That sounds devastating!
So the South American Fowl update is I sent in the money but the first hatch won't be for another week and a half. Yashar said that this next one will be mostly colloncas. The next shipment will have huestacs and olmecs.
As everyone knows, I work at the VA in Denver now. Prior to starting, I thought I had dog proofed my area. My dogs aren't chicken aggressive if we are out there but if we aren't, I never did trust them, especially the 16 month old Anakin.

I came home tonight and my whole family was at my house. My son had come home from college today and Annie had gotten out of his inner gate and into the chicken area and he took out many of my feathered kids. He took out my two polish, my silkie rooster, Beakers, 3 of the remaining babies under the broody hen(there are 3 left), one of my colloncas (the other is in seclusion for abrasions), my black marans but not my marans rooster, my partridge, 3 of my cuckoo marans and 2 of the EFs not in the house along with 2 of my 4 first generation of laying eggs. He took out my black stars and 1 red star. Millie, my d'uccle made it. My broody hen has significant feather loss to her neck area but no punctures and 3 of the remaining ones made it.

So I did what anyone would do, I gathered the eggs, took out the turkey eggs from the incubator and will set the eggs officially tomorrow. I am down to 34 adults and 14 babies inside, 3 outside. The **** ducks are fine so am assuming that the drake kept them safe. I've told so many people to never, ever put your eggs immediately in the fridge. That you must have at least 2 days worth of eggs, just in case. Never, in a million years, did I think I'd be taking my own advice.

I have two more in the house right now recuperating. I have an easter egger with loss of skin around her neck but not severe and a marans with severe trauma to her neck and back. The collonca I gave a sitz bath too as the damage to her rectum looks correctable and superficial. The other two are wait and see. I was going to cull the marans but she's a fighter. The marans severe, very, very severe. She's in her own box in the back room where the younger pullets from two hatches are with the 2 turkeys and EFs as that is a very warm area. The EE is in the spare bathtub but she's already trying to get out. THe collonca will be in the dark pantry while I try very hard to cut off egg production so that her rectal area can heal.

So I just spent the last 4 hours with my brother and sil stringing hot wire along the inner fence where the dog run is. If the shock isn't enough to put the fear of pain in them, I'll go higher and higher until it does.

I'm emotionally and physically exhausted right now and just heartsick for Beakers.

I'm worn out right now, emotionally and physically exhausted. I did everything I could think to do to try to keep my flock safe. I'm down to only 34 now and the babies and young pullets. I'm down to only 2 roosters, although my first generation rooster does have a non-fatal puncture wound. He's pretty though.
Oh, WOW. I am so sorry for you losses. Let me know If I can be of help.
As everyone knows, I work at the VA in Denver now. Prior to starting, I thought I had dog proofed my area. My dogs aren't chicken aggressive if we are out there but if we aren't, I never did trust them, especially the 16 month old Anakin.

I came home tonight and my whole family was at my house. My son had come home from college today and Annie had gotten out of his inner gate and into the chicken area and he took out many of my feathered kids. He took out my two polish, my silkie rooster, Beakers, 3 of the remaining babies under the broody hen(there are 3 left), one of my colloncas (the other is in seclusion for abrasions), my black marans but not my marans rooster, my partridge, 3 of my cuckoo marans and 2 of the EFs not in the house along with 2 of my 4 first generation of laying eggs. He took out my black stars and 1 red star. Millie, my d'uccle made it. My broody hen has significant feather loss to her neck area but no punctures and 3 of the remaining ones made it.

So I did what anyone would do, I gathered the eggs, took out the turkey eggs from the incubator and will set the eggs officially tomorrow. I am down to 34 adults and 14 babies inside, 3 outside. The **** ducks are fine so am assuming that the drake kept them safe. I've told so many people to never, ever put your eggs immediately in the fridge. That you must have at least 2 days worth of eggs, just in case. Never, in a million years, did I think I'd be taking my own advice.

I have two more in the house right now recuperating. I have an easter egger with loss of skin around her neck but not severe and a marans with severe trauma to her neck and back. The collonca I gave a sitz bath too as the damage to her rectum looks correctable and superficial. The other two are wait and see. I was going to cull the marans but she's a fighter. The marans severe, very, very severe. She's in her own box in the back room where the younger pullets from two hatches are with the 2 turkeys and EFs as that is a very warm area. The EE is in the spare bathtub but she's already trying to get out. THe collonca will be in the dark pantry while I try very hard to cut off egg production so that her rectal area can heal.

So I just spent the last 4 hours with my brother and sil stringing hot wire along the inner fence where the dog run is. If the shock isn't enough to put the fear of pain in them, I'll go higher and higher until it does.

I'm emotionally and physically exhausted right now and just heartsick for Beakers.

I'm worn out right now, emotionally and physically exhausted. I did everything I could think to do to try to keep my flock safe. I'm down to only 34 now and the babies and young pullets. I'm down to only 2 roosters, although my first generation rooster does have a non-fatal puncture wound. He's pretty though.

Oh that's terrible! So sorry for your loss!!
Ok folks.....I need some expert opinions here.

As most of you know, I successfully hatched 3 EE eggs in my Brinsea Mini Advanced on March 25. Those chicks are now 1 month and 2 days old. Anyway, I think that the first hatched, which I named "Chicky Rose Lee", may be a "Chicky Lee".

I have read up on sexing chicks and from what I can tell, Chicky looks like a cockerel to me and not a pullet. I am not zoned to have roosters so I'll have to find Chicky a new home once my suspicions are confirmed. I have pictures - also, is it normal for a chicken to have blue eyes?

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Chicky hatched first and has always been bigger than the other two. They barely have combs developing, but have feathered out more. Their legs are smaller compared to Chicky's.

I really think Chicky is a cockerel....I hope I'm wrong but I don't think so.

Thanks for your opinions!
chookchick: I think that is a boy. About the blue eyes,mine have them too with time they will go a bit more greenish but still a cool colour , at least that is what happens with mine that are 2 months now.
As everyone knows, I work at the VA in Denver now. Prior to starting, I thought I had dog proofed my area. My dogs aren't chicken aggressive if we are out there but if we aren't, I never did trust them, especially the 16 month old Anakin.

I came home tonight and my whole family was at my house. My son had come home from college today and Annie had gotten out of his inner gate and into the chicken area and he took out many of my feathered kids. He took out my two polish, my silkie rooster, Beakers, 3 of the remaining babies under the broody hen(there are 3 left), one of my colloncas (the other is in seclusion for abrasions), my black marans but not my marans rooster, my partridge, 3 of my cuckoo marans and 2 of the EFs not in the house along with 2 of my 4 first generation of laying eggs. He took out my black stars and 1 red star. Millie, my d'uccle made it. My broody hen has significant feather loss to her neck area but no punctures and 3 of the remaining ones made it.

So I did what anyone would do, I gathered the eggs, took out the turkey eggs from the incubator and will set the eggs officially tomorrow. I am down to 34 adults and 14 babies inside, 3 outside. The **** ducks are fine so am assuming that the drake kept them safe. I've told so many people to never, ever put your eggs immediately in the fridge. That you must have at least 2 days worth of eggs, just in case. Never, in a million years, did I think I'd be taking my own advice.

I have two more in the house right now recuperating. I have an easter egger with loss of skin around her neck but not severe and a marans with severe trauma to her neck and back. The collonca I gave a sitz bath too as the damage to her rectum looks correctable and superficial. The other two are wait and see. I was going to cull the marans but she's a fighter. The marans severe, very, very severe. She's in her own box in the back room where the younger pullets from two hatches are with the 2 turkeys and EFs as that is a very warm area. The EE is in the spare bathtub but she's already trying to get out. THe collonca will be in the dark pantry while I try very hard to cut off egg production so that her rectal area can heal.

So I just spent the last 4 hours with my brother and sil stringing hot wire along the inner fence where the dog run is. If the shock isn't enough to put the fear of pain in them, I'll go higher and higher until it does.

I'm emotionally and physically exhausted right now and just heartsick for Beakers.

I'm worn out right now, emotionally and physically exhausted. I did everything I could think to do to try to keep my flock safe. I'm down to only 34 now and the babies and young pullets. I'm down to only 2 roosters, although my first generation rooster does have a non-fatal puncture wound. He's pretty though.
That totally SUCKS! So sorry to hear.
Day 10 candling.....

Threw away 7 eggs. We are now down to 41, and I am pretty sure a few of them have stopped developing. We did see a couple with movement. That was cool. Still, if we got a 50% hatch from 48 that would give us 24.
11 days to go.......

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