
Me too. I hope she's doing ok. My daughter is looking after her today while I'm in South Carolina. I can't get a hold of her so I don't know if she's being diligent in showing her the water. She is with another chick so hopefully she'll just follow along. I think we'll probably run out to Murdoch's tomorrow and get her a friend more her size if they have any.

Speaking of chicks under broodys. I have noticed that our chicks under the Brinsea venture out and wander a lot less than those with a heat lamp. We had 2 brooders setup this year with one of each and I worried about the brinsea chicks because they weren't running around and eating and drinking like crazy like the other ones. I think they were just acting more like a real broody though. It should be noted we lost only 1 of the chicks under the brinsea (unless they were brought over from the other brooder because they weren't acting well) and we lost a lot in the other brooder.
It has been rainy today with thunderstorms supposed to be rolling in later. It is beautiful though! I almost stopped to take a pic of a neighborhood I was driving through but I was running late. It was covered in pink and white flowers. Everything is green and blooming. So different than home. Makes me want to move! ;)
Gosh those babies are cute!

The chicks and their broody took to each other immediately. I removed the fake eggs in the dark and then went back to the house to get the box of four PBR chicks. As soon as Broody heard the cheeping she lifted her body and wings enough for me to easily slip them under her. Only one chick wanted to run circles around and on Broody for a few minutes. She finally calmed down enough to get her under too. So far it's going textbook but I wish this weather would warm up enough so they can get out to eat and drink. Anyone heard of a broody that was so protective that the chicks got dehydrated and malnourished?

Nope never heard of one. But I do have one that will eat your liver for breakfast if you get any where near her and her babies.

I wish this weather would make up its mind! It is snowing here while the sun is shining.... very strange!

Im ready for spring
My mom and I recently lost a good portion of our flock to some loose neighbor dogs. It was super emotional for both of us as we raise our birds as pets. My four female ducks were all killed, two Cayugas and two Khaki Campbells, and two of my mom's hens. The dogs owners have paid me for the loss and are promising to keep the dogs locked up, and we haven't been letting our flock out to forage during the day since then.

I'm hand raising two new Ducklings now, but mean while we miss having the eggs and my drake was lonely so I've managed to find and buy two Cayuga's, both around a year old. I'm still looking for at least one Khaki hen though. Preferably around the same age. I've been watching craigslist, but so far nothings fit the bill. If anyone has leads for me I'd really appreciate it.
Pichuris if you don't locate anything already old enough to breed, I am raising out all the RIRs I hatch this year, and am certain to have more than one extra male :) I have a couple dozen chicks at this point ranging in age from a few days to 7 weeks old, and I know quite a few are males. So far I am pleased with their appearance. They are from Greathorse's stock, harkening back ultimately to the Mohawk line of Rhode Island Reds - large, dark brick red, calm temperaments. I'll be keeping virtually all the pullets, but probably only 1 or 2 males. If you don't find anything by summer and you want to see how mine look just let me know and I'll post some pics.
September I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know someone in Falcon who has been trying to rehome a pair of Pekins (large) and an extra female (don't know the breed) for over a year now, if that would interest you let me know and I will try to put you in touch.

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