
We are close, how is it looking all you hatch experts? We have s second zip going as well.

Wow!! Exciting progress!! You guys almost have me brave enough to try hatching one of these days.

Sad news on our mountain... a fox killed my two favorite chickens this morning. SO heartbroken right now. Trying to figure out what to do with my remaining chicken in that coop. She's lost her two best friends. I guess I need to get some more friends for her. I don't want to put her in the other coop, so looking for options to give her company.
That is a bummer. I do not know what to tell you to do with your remaining girl except give her her own separate space within the other coop so that she can start to integrate.

The chick may rest a bit before making the final push or it could just pop right out. Get more coffee and take something for your neck cramp.
Nate- :drool Love the color array in there.  You MUST keep us posted.  :D

Danica- I would be super careful letting wild birds cross paths with yours.  I had a Polish that picked up something from some pigeons that decided they liked my yard for a few weeks.  She ended up dying.  Only two symptoms; weight loss and seizures/spasms.  It was the weirdest thing.  She would walk backwards while rubbing her face into the ground.  Poor gal couldn't even straighten up. She was the only one that caught whatever it was, she must have been more susceptible for some reason.  I even took her to an avian vet and he was stumped.

Omg chick in the burbs I had the same thing with one of my polish girls when she was 2 months old but then I lost 20 some other 2 month old babies from the same thing and it was from pigeons also maybe the same birds???
Ok so here we are with three chicks now! The original one that pipped is still working. Three of the brown eggs have hatched. I move them into the second bator as they were stubbing and falling into the water tray.


Number 1 - hatched awy from viewing windows of course

Number 2



Chick 1


All three, I had to quickly move them into a tub with heat lamp as they were starting to stand and I was worried they were getting to close to the heat source.

Another blue egg just hatched
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I would keep them in the incubator until they dry off completely. Also opening the bator while ones are pipped and zipping can cause shrink wrapping.
Your excitement with your first hatch is quite addictive. Watch out for the chicken math now!
I would keep them in the incubator until they dry off completely. Also opening the bator while ones are pipped and zipping can cause shrink wrapping.
Your excitement with your first hatch is quite addictive. Watch out for the chicken math now!

I only moved them from the bator to tub once mostly dry. The most recen kept standing up and almost grazing the heat element.
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