
I'm getting 50 cornish x broilers and 25 misc roosters from Mt Healthy they ship on sept 30th. Does anyone want to buy any from me? I know it's been tough to get broilers of late to fill the freezers.

I also have fizzled tolbunt polish and easter egger roosters if anyone is interested to breed with them. My easter egger tolbunt roosters are smooth but carry the frizzle gene. I have 1 smooth and 1 frizzle tolbunt polish rooster too :) please pm me.
One of my small 2 month old straight run chicks looks like that one may be a roo, growing larger than others from the same hatch and feisty... If that one is a roo, it should be a larger orloff mix rooster, it will be good to fight hawks, orloffs were bred as a fighting breed even if they do not fight them for 100 years already the genetics should be still there, not docile birds they are, and americanas as bossy as well, not sure how the mix would look like, but papa is an orloff rooster with protective attitude. Not a huge rooster, good size. Orloff supposed to be 60cm tall according to Russian standard, not sure what strand we have here in US so. My neighbor has good success with black giant rooster, hawks do not bother them. Also I put more plastic 'flags' on bird netting, I think I did not have me a visitor yesterday, even had little ones out with us in the yard .. So things are mowing along it looks like, but hawks do come back if they found chickens... Old CDs hanging and spinning in the wind work too.

I have some questions to more experienced folk here.

Should I worry if new americana is egg bound, I tried to catch her and test, but she is really freaking out... So I maybe should wait for evenings when it's very dark... Where can I reed how egg bound supposed to feel like? She sounds like a nervous bird that needs more time to settle in. But if you check her, her underside will feel lumpy with eggs. You can look up more info on the Emergency Forum.

When you introduce a hen how long does it take for the things to settle? I have 2 americana babies and needed older hen to replace my over 4y old americana (x-top hen, it was time for her to go, she got some problems and stopped laying over summer it looked like and she was not looking so good in general, stopped eating as much too, so culled her, sigh...) new americana hen kind of supervises the americana babies when they are out and about, The top hen seems to care of her own breed babies only. It is kind of interesting how same breed chickens seem to stick together even if they were from different hatcheries... Did someome observe the same? It all just takes time and it depends on the birds personalities as to how long reshuffling takes. Yes, they do seem to like "birds of a feather, stick together."

And I need to add roost or something... my rooster gotten into the habit of sleeping on the feed bucket... no you don't. Moving that rooster to the roost daily is getting old... Cause he falls down at night and here goes the mess... I have 2 3.5 feet roosts for 13 chickens (2 are set aside, I have 15), I think I'll move the planks so I have 3 roosts not 2... At least no one is trying to sleep on the floor or in nests... that is the progress already... I made them new larger house and they have settled in, but not all the way it seems so far. I would make one roost lower in case he is having issues making the leap.

What kind of respiratory illness is going around except of avian flue? I did hear at chicken swap that some have coriza at farms and those folk were bringing the birds from infected flocks to Brighton swaps. Is any of it true? Should I worry? I went there, coops have good feed prices, did bleach my shoes and stuff, but...
I have a small flock, is it even possible to vaccinate small flock I looked most of it for like 1000 dozes, its just way too much.. I have some of the chicks from hatchery that were already vaccinated for marrec, but I'm not sure of others so. Really worried about coriza, sounds like very bad stuff if it goes around the area. I did meet one lady who is nursing the chick and not willing to let it go, and that sure sounded like coriza (swollen face, bad smell...) At the swap and feed store there is a lot of traffic, so there is a risk to bring stuff in even if one is careful. Shows too... Do I worry too much? I isolate the bird at every sneeze now just in case and observe for a week or so just in case. Bio-security is always a good thing. I generally don't go to swaps, so don't know, but I would assume that there is always something possibly transferable at swaps, shows and such.
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Well I finally got through and did it. It only took 3 weeks to get a hold of him but I ordered 50 James Marie Farms Pharoah quail hatching eggs. Should have them middle of the week in the 3rd week of October. Hopefully that'll give me enough time to have everything ready outside! So many projects, not enough daylight.
Wonderful!   Please let us know how it goes with incubating and such.    Good Luck!

Thanks! Should be fun. Depending on my hatch rate, I may be looking to sell some down the road.

So this morning much to my surprise, I heard a crow, dang it! I'm really hoping whoever it was is having an identity crisis. It seems too early to be getting crows, they'll be 12 weeks old this weekend. I didn't see who it was but I've had my suspicions on one of my RIRs.
Just in case anyone is like me and has been having a difficult time finding a vet for birds, I found this place off of 120th and Sheridan earlier today. I have an appointment with them on Friday for one of my peahens that is getting worse health wise, but I figured I'd share the link in case anyone else is in need of a bird vet.

That is helpful. And reminded me I found a place just two days ago, that has two vets that will see poultry.
That is helpful. And reminded me I found a place just two days ago, that has two vets that will see poultry.

Thank you for your link! I didn't know if anyone else was crazy like me & wanted a vet for their backyard flocks, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to share the link. Everyone here probably thinks I'm nutty already! :)

I know that the first time I had a hen with a prolapse, I was worried about treating her myself & started looking for a vet. This was back in January, I think. I was super disappointed that every vet I contacted only treated dogs & cats. I'm not sure if my Google Fu has just been bad until today or if that vet practice is new, but I'm glad I found it finally. My poor peahen is not doing well & I've run out of ideas for treating her on my own. I'll have to double check that they do other kinds of birds also, but I have to think that if they treat peafowl they'll also do chickens, ducks, turkeys, etc. The funny thing is, is that this vet practice is located right next to the Petco I adopted my GSD/Shiba Inu mix 5 years ago this month! Small world.

Fingers crossed I can manage to catch her & get her to the vet. I was working on getting them to trust me the same way I've been working with the peacock (bribing with food), but we had to drench them with the dewormer & they've been very distrustful of me since. Hopefully, I can get them to trust me again after this & that she survives. She's the more expensive of the 2, I'd like to be able to keep her alive longer than a month.
Thank you for your link! I didn't know if anyone else was crazy like me & wanted a vet for their backyard flocks, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to share the link. Everyone here probably thinks I'm nutty already! :)

Honestly, I would never take a chicken to a vet
Possibly I might take a Peahen, if she were expensive or something like that, but never a chicken.
I found this vet because I'm researching the idea of getting a pet bunny, and I needed to find vets that can neuter them, and treat them in case of an emergency. It just happened that they had a category talking about avian vets and poultry.

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