
So what is your plan to keep the roo quiet? Do tell!!

Well I tried a few different things but I did find one that works. Every night before I go to bed I go out to the coop and get my rooster. He goes in a medium size pet carrier. I put him in my garage; it has no windows. He has a light on a timer that turns on at 6:30 for him to be able the eat/drink from the feeders on the carrier door. I can hear him crow sometimes but he doesn't wake me up so I know the neighbors can't hear him. Around 8 I take him back out to the coop and let him out. After a while I let all the chickens out to free range. I don't know if it matters but I want to make sure he leads the others out of the run.

I don't make any attempts to keep him from crowing. Just to keep the neighbors from hearing. I think the attempts I made actually made him crow more. When I tried the no crow collar he crowed a lot. Now he crows about 5 or 6 times in the morning and maybe a few times during the day. My hope is that if I keep him from waking people they won't think to complain. There are dogs that bark louder in the neighborhood so my hopes are high. My closest neighbor said he didn't mind it at all and said it never woke him.
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Here are a few links for you to look at for the netting you are looking for. I think Amazon had the best price by far.

I really hope your doggie gets back to his ole self soon. I am sorry the receptionist was not kind or helpful.

I have a dog that had similar symptoms to yours. I am glad yours did not eat something that caused a serious blockage. Mine did and had the very expensive surgery. He has since been very careful about what he eats. When I read about your dog I was very worried for him. So glad he feels well enough to be up and about.
Some days just give me a headache. Today is no exception.

I forgot to put the hook back on the dog kennel gate when I watered some shrubs yesterday. The kennel has 2 gates neither lead out of the yard. Hubby put the dogs out this morning and I bailed them out of jail this afternoon. One of the dogs is smart enough to be able to open gates. (that is why the hook that requires a thumb)

It was expensive and I now have to go to court.

I am so very grateful to the animal control officer that managed to catch them and the college kids that got them off the HWY. From what the officer said they had quite a jaunt, and a nice swim in some gross water.

I am so relieved that they were in jail and not injured.

Guess who wont forget that latch hook again............

Other then that life is good. Chickens are well and chickies are growing, flowers are blooming and we had a hummingbird the other morning actually using the hummingbird mint I planted.
Just had to post my latest thrifting find, found this in a Boulder thrift store for $2! It is just too cute for words.....






The last shot is of two tiny eggs and a jumbo egg we have gotten lately. Someone is shooting out tiny eggs.

It is In almost perfect condition, I am actually thinking about painting it a bright fuscia color.
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Okay, friends, I'm really in a bind now. I need to find a new home for my roo and I am getting down to very few options. Wardles won't take him, I can't return him, no one I know can/will take him, Craigslist was a total bust, and I've asked everyone I know. I will give him away at this point, but I can't ship him. I will make arrangements to meet most places in Colorado except the far south. PLEASE ask anyone you know who may be able to take him. He's an Iowa Blue, almost three months old. So far he has a good temperament, is good with the hens, and very handsome, as you can see. PLEASE HELP.

@Auntie Moose I got my chicks at Kiowa Country Corner feed store and ended up on their email mailing list. One email was for an animal swap and one of the things in the email was that people are always looking for kittens and roosters. I don't know how far you are from them but maybe you could call them and see if they know someone looking for a rooster. Or maybe there is a smaller feed store closer to you that you can call and ask.

Kiowa Country Corner
Open from 8 am. to 6 pm Monday thru Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 4 pm
Located at 10240 Highway 86, the corner of Highway 86 and the Elbert Highway in Kiowa
For more information call Kiowa Country Corner at 303-621-2466

The person that was originally going to take my rooster actually ended up not needing a roo, otherwise I would ask her.

Maybe look at Craigslist for animal/poultry swaps.

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