
My birds got mites once. Brought in I am certain by the finch and sparrows. I am downhill here in Loveland but still cold here. Interesting thing about it is they were only in the coops that housed broody hens AND had external nest boxes.
Horrible creatures and very very tiny. They were almost to small to see at all. The most visable place was on the underside of the nest box lids along the surfaces that met the sides and hinge. It looked more like a light gray very thin growth of fungus. In fact with a magnifying glass the mass was moving! Gross and major freak out.

I know Sevin is not approved for use on poultry but that is what I used along with a spray containing permitherin sold to treat bed bugs.

The farm store was out of poultry powder and I was not about to wait a week.
I see, our coop is still pretty new and there is some DE in the bedding, so I don't think we have mites. I like the idea of using the shower curtain! Thanks!
Yea kinda the wrong time of year for mites.

You're welcome for the curtain idea. I cannot say for sure if that was the cause of your hens issue with pecking.

I would still keep a close watch for possible triggers.
I would still keep a close watch for possible triggers.

I will for sure! One of them still has a scab, so I'm waiting until she's completely healed to try to get them all together. I thought I'd do it when the day will be in the 50's so I can comfortably spend a lot of time outside to be sure it goes well.
Winter does make spending time with them harder.

If you feel they need a protein boost you can give them canned Mackerel mixed in with layer feed that you have soaked in water. It turns to a lovely mush that mine actually prefer over the morning scratch.

The canned mackerel is sold at dollar tree regularly and cheaper to get it there then the regular grocery store. It has the bones in it and is fine to leave them in. Drain the liquid they are packed in as it does have some salt in it. I give mine the fish about once a week or when they get a double dose of scratch. (That happens when they have to get back in the run fast due to a hawk)

I suggest the fish as it sounds like there are some missing feathers.
good advice!
Not sure what the cost of the canned mackerel is @ the dollar store. I was paying I believe .89/can at walmart. I just drained it then chopped it up right in the can and shoveled it out into their trough. No hesitation at all and it was gone in minutes.
Thanks! I did give some canned tuna about a week ago, they ate it right up! Do you think the mackerel is healthier for them? I put out plain yogurt recently, but only the EE's went for that. Their bums are fluffing back up some.
I thought I'd toss it out here that I have Barnevelder eggs that have just started being laid at 6800 ft. I know when I wanted to start my flock of Barnies finding eggs from high up was impossible. If anyone is interested let me know. These guys are from TLS Ranch and Janelle Pruett's stock and I have a mix of blue and regular varieties.

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