
Hello all!
My husband and I are looking for 10 female chicks/pullets to start our backyard homestead off strong this spring! We can't seem to buy anything online though :th Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is sold out till the end of the year. Maybe this is normal but we have never seen this before. Big R near us might have chicks soon but we'd literally have to camp out for a few hours to get them. Its nutty.

We are mostly looking for friendly big cold/heat hardy laying breeds like Orpingtons so they are gentle to our 17m old son. We aren't opposed to other breeds along those lines like Ameraucanas, Australorps, Brahmas and Cochins. We are located in Pueblo but are willing to go to Colorado Springs and maybe further. Please PM me if you have anything to offer! Thank you!
Hello all!
My husband and I are looking for 10 female chicks/pullets to start our backyard homestead off strong this spring! We can't seem to buy anything online though :th Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is sold out till the end of the year. Maybe this is normal but we have never seen this before. Big R near us might have chicks soon but we'd literally have to camp out for a few hours to get them. Its nutty.

We are mostly looking for friendly big cold/heat hardy laying breeds like Orpingtons so they are gentle to our 17m old son. We aren't opposed to other breeds along those lines like Ameraucanas, Australorps, Brahmas and Cochins. We are located in Pueblo but are willing to go to Colorado Springs and maybe further. Please PM me if you have anything to offer! Thank you!
If you want to up here to Colorado Springs, I've looking at this place for a while:

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