COMMUNITY PROJECT: Let's Design The Perfect Coop!!!

HOLY COW... I can't believe I didn't know about that. Google is getting into so many areas it is almost impossible to keep up.

Great link TreyClark281!

i saw it on a post a long time ago i think it was the first post i saw but idk where it went!
ya did you here about there internet provider lol
Well, in a failed attempt to put a peak on the roof of my coop which is taking forever to build!! I'm thinking we need something that that doesn't have a lot of mitered corners and such. Gables, Gussets and Trusses just aren't my thing!! Too many angle and measurements that could go wrong.

Maybe something with a sloped roof instead!
Did mine with a sloped roof + fiberglass roofing sheets and so far it's working wonderfully. We didn't want the work of shingling and couldn't figure out what would look right with the red/white trim design of the coop. I picked up 3 Ondura sheets in the darker red for about $15/sheet and like I said, it's working wonderfully and looks great.

If it's going to be a smaller coop, this really isn't too expensive, very easy to install, and comes without the pain of shingling.
Jsto-I saw that stuff at Home Depot. Is it as easy to install as they say? Did you use the little wavy end caps thingys? We put plywood on our roof and dh was gonna put tin on top but then we saw the ondura and don't know which to use now! I liked the colors of the ondura!
I was going to use plywood on my modified playhouse but it was sooooo heavy with the really heavy coop as it is.

I found lightweight metal roofing at Lowe's for less than $8 for a 2.5ft X 8ft sheet. For this "mod" that I made it's going to take one sheet. That is IF I get the peak right!
Very easy to install. You buy special Ondura nails that are the same colour and you just nail on the corrugation. We used the little foam vent cap thingys on the ends, yes. Just set them on with double side tape so they wouldn't move when we laid the sheets down and then popped a nail through. I'll try and get a picture up tonight for ya

Look no further, everyone, here is the perfect coop:

You will notice that it is sturdily built, several coop openings in a circular formation, to best make use of the natural light.
It has a well fortified run impervious to fox, racoons, rats, cats, mice, dogs, frogs, weasels, otters, .... ecetera. Difficult to see in these pictures is the hardwire mesh to protect the chickens from winged predators as well. No expense spared on security here!!

There is even a modest chicken-keepers house shown in the background.....


And just in case any unwanted visitors show up....


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