COMMUNITY PROJECT: Let's Design The Perfect Coop!!!

I vote for Sandra & her Cochins coop. I really like that one.
There may be a few changes to make it easier to build, but I believe it is an excellent canidate for this project.

I've ready so many that at this point my brain is fried, but I can't remember if I read a certain coop design in this thread or at another time. The person got pallets for free and took them apart. Then she did her measurements based on the dimensions of the lengths of wood from the pallets. That way it was easier on her since she didn't have to cut the boards.

We live in an area where it's hot and humid during the summer and cold during the winter. We have made insulated walls that we will put up during the winter that can be easily taken off during the warmer months. Our chicken door is also the ramp, so that saved time, money and wood. The run is the length of the coop and completely enclosed to help cut down on flying predators. It's as tall as the coop so adults can walk in there for whatever reason. Our nests are inside but my DH put the human door on the south side since we get a lot of northern winds here. He thought it would be better on the chickens when we have to enter the coop.

I think if everyone takes into consideration their weather and I'm not just talking hot vs. cold here. Consider the sun rising and setting, wind velocity & direction, and where the sun sits most of the day vs. where the coop is etc. We tried to consider what would be the most comfortable for the livestock. Less stress makes happier and healthier chickens.
Dang, it looks like this died out. I was hoping to come to the end and find the perfect coop.

I've been designing a coop in my mind for days now. I'm a Drafter/Designer and I can't help but be designing something all the time.

So I have this idea for a coop, that's easy to clean and should be easy to build. I'm thinking simple 4' X 4' x 4' slope roof to 3.5', that of course lifts up for access, but I'm thinking about having the front of the coop fold down for easy cleaning when necessary.

I'm thinking about 2x2 double wall construction. Our temps get down to the neg. single digits, do you think that will be warm enough?
LoneCowboy, you're the exact type of person we were hoping could donate their plans to BYC for everyone to enjoy <HINT>
Well, I'm working on it, just needing a little chicken expert help. I'll have to take pictures of the current big coop. But I'm looking at coming up with one that will hold 4-5 chicken for the person who just wants a few.
Ok, so I'm building it 4x4x4ish with roosts, how many chickens will this handle? Figuring that they will most likely be free ranged, but winter would probably bring them in most the time. I know you figure 4 sq feet of floor space per chicken, but with the roosts, will that increase the allowable space any? Can I sneak another chicken or two in without issues? I'm putting the nesting box(s) on the outside.

Also, I'm not insulating it, but I am making it 2 x 2 construction with double walls. Will that be enough for single digit winters?

I will raise it 1 foot off the ground for rodent control.

Anything else I should think about?
Sounds to me like you have room for 4 birds. No, adding the roost does not figure in the space issue, sorry. I would not add any more since they will be in alot during the winter. I would say the double wall would be enough insulation since the birds produce a good bit of heat themselves. Things to think about:

draft-free with good ventilation
feeders & waterers without losing per bird space
what type of bedding
windows for light
kinds of locks & latches, coons can open almost anything
maybe a covered outside run to give them snow free outside space for winter
So when you plan your coop with 4 ft per chicken, does that include the space for water and food? Won't the water create moisture? We are building a covered run, can I put a heated water (dispenser?) in it and will the chickens come out in the winter? Southern New Hampshire....cold, raw, snow seems questionable these days. The coop is being built by a high school carpentry program and I have asked them to take lots of pictures

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