Confused about my chick?


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
So, this has been going back and forth with this one gangly teen. Roo or pullet? About 4 4.5 months old.
I got them from TSC from a pullet isa brown. Already know definitely NOT an isa brown. Pretty sure it is a RIR or sim. All the pics are of the same chick today. Thanks. Sorry for being annoying.


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So, this has been going back and forth with this one gangly teen. Roo or pullet? About 4 4.5 months old.
I got them from TSC from a pullet isa brown.
When did you get it, and how old was it at the time?

Looking at the photos, I would have guessed it was a male between 2 months and 3 months old. Chickens can be puzzling!

Already know definitely NOT an isa brown. Pretty sure it is a RIR or sim.
I agree, not an ISA Brown, does look like Rhode Island Red or one of their close relatives.

Sorry for being annoying.
Have you asked about this particular chick before? I don't see anything annoying about your post.
When did you get it, and how old was it at the time?

Looking at the photos, I would have guessed it was a male between 2 months and 3 months old. Chickens can be puzzling!

I agree, not an ISA Brown, does look like Rhode Island Red or one of their close relatives.

Have you asked about this particular chick before? I don't see anything annoying about your post.
This chick about 4 4.5 months old. I had asked about my group of chicks once before. This was one of the chicks.
I had been settled on this chick being a pullet for about a minute now. Then over the past week the tail feather got kinda roo looking. Thanks for answering
This chick about 4 4.5 months old. I had asked about my group of chicks once before. This was one of the chicks.
Those other threads are part of why I asked about the age.

Would it be this one?
That thread was started on April 28. At the time, you said the chick was about 6 weeks old. That would mean it hatched about March 17, which is almost exactly THREE months ago.

Or would it be this thread?
That thread was started on May 3, which is less than a week after the other thread. The chick in the photos looks like the same chick, and about the same age.

Do you know when you actually bought the chicks? That would make it pretty easy to count up the age. If the chicks were little fluffballs when you got them from TSC, that would mean they were less than 1 week old at the time.

If your chick is really 4 to 4.5 months old, it is probably female, and should start laying eggs soon.

But if your chick is really 3 months old, it is probably a male, and may start crowing soon. It will also be growing obvious saddle feathers soon (long skinny feathers that grow on the back and hang down on each side of the tail.) I think they may be starting already, looking a bit darker red and a different texture than the other feathers. (Or maybe the chick is a bit wet or dirty and I'm misinterpreting what I see. That can happen too.)

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