Considering Guineas

The Guinea Fowl in my neighbourhood are relatively quiet. In my experience, a female seems to only call when she becomes separated from her mate and can not see him; and then he is usually just around street corner or on the other side of a solid garden wall. The males only call when they are in mating mode and then only because he has lost sight of any other Guinea. Otherwise they do "talk" all the time, in gentle whirls and whistles, but it is so soft that you have to be just a few metres to them to hear it, and then you have to listen carefully. It could be that it is a survival thing? ...because it serves them to be quiet during hunting season here? I am just speculating.
My father told me to never harvest a guinea by chopping off its head. He claimed that it would cause the body to turn black & blue. I did not use that method and the ones I processed were delicious. To me they tasted like chicken but with a whole lot more flavor.

People who don't like dark meat on chickens will often not even try guineas because even their breasts are not "white meat".
Their bodies did not turn black and blue. I have pictures of the meat--there was a LOT on that carcass! Looked like a chicken on steroids. And all I eat of chicken is dark meat, so that wasnt it. I was surprised I didnt like it--I like a very wide range of weird stuff. Tasted to me sort of like a very mild turkey. Im fairly confident that it was due to the fact that Id raised them from 2 days old. Pretty sure if I had to live off things I raised Id starve--or become vegetarian lol.

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