Consolidated Kansas

Sharol I'd be glad to teach you. Skinning is easy but so is plucking. It depends on how you want to prepare them. I need to butcher a few of my own. Just hate to do it in this hot weather. If you let me get some of my storm mess cleaned up you can come here and I'll have things set up for it.
Hey everyone! I thought I would stop by and say good morning and hope your summer is going well. It is flying by too fast as far as I'm concerned. I went home for three weeks so the weeks leading up to the trip were crazy busy as I prepared my veggie garden and animals to be tended by DS in my absence. And, since I've been back, its been almost three weeks of "catch up". DS tried to keep up with the weeds but with all the rain we had while I was gone, they got away from him so I've spent hours weeding the garden as well as doing "bug sweeps". My potatoes were infested with potato bugs, which it turns out chickens don't like. So I carry a peanut butter jar with water in it and remove every bug and drop it in the water to drown. Same with squash bugs on the zucchinis. Cabbage moths were fluttering around all my greens so I keep a butterfly net out there to catch those, and the cabbage worms that have emerged from the eggs they lay go into a dry peanut butter jar to be fed to the chickens when I'm done. They love seeing that jar coming!!! Every morning and evening I spend a couple of hours trying to rid the garden of the various bugs - YIKES. I think I'm winning the battle but I'm not completely out of the woods yet.

Meanwhile, the animals themselves have been keeping me busy. Several broody chickens gave it up while I was gone while others are STILL broody, taking up nest boxes and not laying. One barred rock hen finally hatched a single chick a few days before I got back. She and another BR hen were brooding together in the dog igloo that is in the chicken yard and unfortunately this egg is one that was laid by who-knows-which hen, so is a mutt I was trying to so hard NOT to hatch this year. It is a cute little thing though, and DS was so tickled when it hatched, sending me pics of it and regular updates. The hen who had not hatched it kept brooding but as of a few days ago, gave up on her eggs and is now co-parenting that one little chick so at least it has value as having broken two broody hens

Another chick has also broken two broody hens but in a totally different situation. This is a little BR chick that I gave to my blue cochin before I left. When I returned the chick was still with its mother and was about 4 weeks old. For the first few days I was back, the mother still cared for the chick but one day decided it was ready to be on its own, so she abandoned it and resumed laying. The chick, meanwhile, did NOT think it was ready to be on its own, so it glommed onto a broody hen who had a nest on the floor of the coop. At first she just slept under the hen at night. But I noticed she started acting kind of like a newborn chick - a little wobbly on her legs, very frail, clearly needing mothering. Eventually she convinced the broody hen to be her mother and it was heart-warming to see that hen emerge with her "newly hatched 5-week-old chick" and start clucking to it to show it how to eat. A week later, she and the chick are firmly bonded, and the hen is no longer broody. Yay!!!

A turkey went broody as soon as I left so a week after I got back, her poults hatched. The timing was perfect as I had turkey eggs in the incubator that hatched the same day so I gave her the ones from the incubator to raise. She had been sitting on a mixed nest of chicken, duck and turkey eggs so everything that didn't hatch went into the incubator.

A duck had started brooding before I left and I gave her quite a few eggs. The Thursday after I got back, she hatched THIRTEEN ducklings. I was thrilled because I haven't had a lot of luck with ducks hatching their own eggs in the past. The two duck eggs that were in the incubator, I had no idea how long they'd been incubated so it wasn't until 9 days after the ducklings hatched that the first duck egg in the incubator also hatched. A day and a half later, the second duckling in the incubator emerged. I really didn't want to raise ducklings myself but worried that 10 days age difference was too much to add them to the mother with thirteen ducklings. However I was able to successfully integrate the two new little ducklings into the established family and the mother is now caring for FIFTEEN!!!

After I got back and did a head count, I realized I was missing a duck. At first I thought she was away brooding somewhere but when 9 days went by without ever catching her out eating, I decided she must have been taken by a predator. The next evening I walked outside and there she was! I followed her back to her nest - under the front porch - and found she has built an enormous nest right under our front door. It is inaccessible to me, but I can see her sitting on what looks like a throne. Of course, I have no idea how long she's been there so its just a wait-and-see game as to when they start to hatch. Muscovies take 5 weeks and I've been back for almost three so even if she only started brooding the day I got back, she shouldn't have more than two weeks left.

So anyway, that's it for me. Between the outside and trying to get the inside of the house up to scratch again (think two guys left to their own devices for three weeks. 'Nuff said.) I seem to run all day long and collapse exhausted into bed at the end of the day. Its all good though. Hope all is well for my fellow Kansas peeps!

Hechicken, welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your trip! Sounds like you are very busy with your garden once you are back in town. My garden is not very successful this year. I did have potatoes growing very nicely though. Tomatoes were not that great, corn is definitely a bust as far as I can tell. Carrots are not doing well at all and I'm not sure why. My sweet melon, squash and zucchini are doing OK. You son is awesome that he was helping you tend to the birds and garden. I'm glad you have plenty of ducks though and less broody! I love the story of how the lonely chick was able to convinced the broody to become his/her mama. So sweet....
I'm not familiar with the concept of spare time. What is that any way? Keep the beer flowing!

So glad you are back. I made soup with the chinese cucumber a few days ago. It wasn't as good as the first batch and I'm not sure why. I must have missed something. I also traded a dozen eggs for a big bag of cucumber to feed to my birds.
I went to the doctor yesterday to get some paperwork filled out for the most part. He gave me an injection of depo-medrol to help with some of my arthritis pain. So far I see no help from it at all. I have really had trouble functioning some times. I really hate being old.

We had catastrophe hit during the night. We had a storm move in. The first storm was straight winds about 70 mph or so. Lots of damage. It took the roof off of one of the chicken coops. It picked up and smashed a large storage container I have out front for packages against the gate. It sprung the gate out of position. It took down a building DH had framed up but never sided. I lost several big parts of trees. One landed on the power line and broke the one that goes to the barn. So we stood out in the rain in the middle of the night with a chain saw cutting it off the line. One of my broodies lost her babies. The other one still has a few but she is cowering under some bushes this AM. I also had to carry in every single last juvenile bird I had in the grow out pen in the dark. It's a good thing I did because we had a major rain storm later that would have drowned them all.
We had another limb fall on the power supply to the heat pump and got that one cut out in the dark. I still have to check on the babies and see if they are okay. I shut every thing up and turned on sweeter heaters because the wind came straight out of the north.
I am trying to decide if it is worth the trouble to call the insurance company. By the time I pay the deductable I don't know if I will get anything at all. I will have to hire someone with a utility truck to come fix the wiring on the pole. It isn't so essential this time of year but in winter I have to have that power.

Danz, was that the Vietnamese gourd or something like that? I'm surprised you have them already. My sweet melon plants just started producing and they are about the size of my palm (I have small hands). DH couldn't wait to taste the sweet melon so he took one inside the house despite my protest. Well, he
found out that they still need more time to mature... Duh... LOL

So sorry about all the damage you had from the storm. Can never win when it comes to mother nature, can we? Sigh...
You are one very busy woman, Danz! How's your son and DIL? Have they moved into their new house yet?
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danz I'm sorry about the storm damage, that sounds like a mess. We didn't get any rain last night at all.

HEChicken, it's nice to see you stop in, I know you've been busy.

tweety, let me know if I have any breeds of chicks you might want. I can always hatch some later on, I'm just taking a much needed break right now. At least I'm taking a break from hatching for other people for the most part. I do have one hatch due tomorrow for a friend & one the 17th for someone who brought me eggs to hatch. I'm really trying not to hatch too many more though. I've been growing out birds for myself for various pens & I'm slowly getting some of them moved where they belong. I still have a few in the growout pen yet.

Trish, I do have a wish list. Let me take a look and prioritize it a bit and let you know. You have been hatching for a few months now so definitely deserve a break!
Wow Danz, sounds like you got all the storms we had over the past few weeks, all in one night. We didn't get ANY of that here. So sorry about all the damage and losses.

Hechicken, since you are just East of me... how much rain have you had so far? By the time I got home, the rain gauge registered right at 3" but my DH was telling me it has got to be more than that because it practically rained non-stop since I left. LOL Sometimes he could be a bit too dramatic and exaggerate a bit.
Sounds like y'all have been busy!

We've been working on getting the goose house up. For now they go into a stall in our garden shed at night. We picked about 50 lbs of sandhill plums. Already have ten jars of jelly and four and half gallons of juice left over. We've ran more cannerfuls of green beans, and picked lots of various types of peppers. Our pattypan squash is producing quite nicely, the tomato plants are loaded and we will begin pickling cucumbers next week.

The last batch of baby chicks graduated to the big chicken house and pen and are doing wonderful. I'm thinking we should have moved them two or three weeks ago. I've lost four of my Lavender babies, one of my Swedish Speckles, one of my Buff Laced Polish, and two of my Golden Polish. I've never lost so many chicks. Ever. But then I've never raised baby chicks this time of year when it's so warm. Two of the other chicks started acting droopy, including my last Golden Polish. But I decided to move them anyway. And I'm glad I did, Those that were droopy have made a complete turn around and are now bright eyed and bushy tailed again, all happily scratching and acting like their larger counterparts.

The geese have gotten huge and beautiful! I just adore them so much.

Beautiful picture there Oatbucket! Speaking of sandhill plums, I used to have a coworker who makes fresh sandhill plum jelly with jalapeno peppers and it was to die for. Sadly she retired earlier this year so no jelly this year. :(
Pretty roo Trish.
I really need to get busy today and get caught up. I felt so lousy yesterday that rebuilding that roof for that chicken coop was about my limit.
I finally found my first ripe tomato yesterday in the garden. I had been having my green beans destroyed and couldn't figure out what was wrong. I couldn't find an insect on them but the leaves were all torn up and browning and I hadn't found a bud or a green bean anywhere. I think I found the problem when a rabbit hopped out of them yesterday. I have the garden fenced but had left the gate open a little to let the ducks get in to eat bugs. Don't think they ever took advantage of it. But obviously the rabbit did. I had put netting stuff up for my cucumbers, watermellon, and pumpkin vines but they are too heavy and the netting isn't supporting them. I need to get some fencing up in place of it I guess so they can grow up instead of out. There are some small cucumbers out there. I should be picking them and making pickles but I really don't have time for it right now. At least I know the birds will have treats soon. It's amazing how the rain brought the stupid squash bugs back. I don't like using chemicals but they've been worse than ever this year so I treated with sevin again. I need to get the rest of my garlic dug and see if my potatoes are getting ready.

Danz, sounds like you have a good crop from this year's garden. Mine is borderline OK. None of my snow peas came up or they died as soon as they came up. I love snow peas stir fry with beef. After complaining about how my potatoes didn't come up and my dogs dug them up trashing them around, that's the only thing that's doing well in my garden. I have a bumper crop full of them in the house. Now only if the few tomato plants will give me some tomatoes. The only ones that do decently is the cherry tomatoes that my DH swears he didn't buy. He bought a tray of big beef (so he said) and they turned out to be cherry tomatoes.
Oatbucket, I'm so sorry for your losses on the chicks. I have been finding that the sooner I can move them outside the better they do. I think sometimes we just take too good of care of them if you know what I mean. They can have illnesses come up while in the brooder that they wouldn't get outside, plus they develop a better immune system I think. While it's this warm outside I'm taking advantage of it & moving chicks out as soon as I feel they can handle it. I did lose 5 in a rain storm because I forgot to shut them in that night, but other than that they have done very well out there. I went out & checked on them this afternoon & they were all crowded into a spot that was sunny just enjoying the sun in the outside pen. I haven't been shutting them in at night unless I know it's going to rain overnight.

danz, I'm sorry about your damage, I'm glad you didn't lose more chicks in that.

I've been slowly integrating my young birds from the growout pen into their respective pens or into the main coop. Last night I moved all of my Welsummer pullets & young rooster & one Cinnamon Queen pullet I had kept. They all stayed in the coop & run all day today even though they could get out with the door open. Right at time to shut them all in for the night the smallest Welsummer pullet decided to make a run for it & came out of the run as I was shutting them all in. She took off towards the growout pen, I can't figure out how these birds know how to find where they had been but they seem to be able to even when they're young. I just went on about finishing up feeding & she came over to the growout pen door & I let her in. I guess she'll go out with the other two when I take them to the coop. Maybe she wasn't quite ready to go. I got such a kick out of my young BCM cockerel when I put the new birds in last night. He's at the teenage stage right now, just started crowing & acting like a rooster. He greeted the new birds & did his I'm the boss dance for them, it was really funny to watch. It was like he was telling them I'm the main man here. He's really turning out to be a pretty guy. Here is a pic of him, he wouldn't turn around.

Very good looking roo there Trish. Welsummer and BCM are on my wish list this year so I'm glad you posted a pic of the roo. Sounds like your integration is working well. DH said we lost 3 while I was gone and he has no clue what happened. Argh... I sure hope it is nothing contagious so the rest of the flock won't get infected.
Sharol I'd be glad to teach you. Skinning is easy but so is plucking. It depends on how you want to prepare them. I need to butcher a few of my own. Just hate to do it in this hot weather. If you let me get some of my storm mess cleaned up you can come here and I'll have things set up for it.
Thank you so much. I'm at your mercy. As of right now I don't have any real plans for the rest of the month. Maybe you can show me how to pluck, too, it would be a great skill to have.

What will I need in the way of knives or other implements?

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