Consolidated Kansas

Darn its been a hot few days again and doesn't look to get any better....

First off, I didn't get home as quick as i wanted to last night with meeting and training on the other side of the county and when I did finally make it home my wonderful wife informed me she had dumped and changed all the waters, reloaded all the feeders and even changed out my Frozen milk jug coolers i hang in the coop at night to break the heat in there....I gots to say she is wonderful.

Now for my big excitement.....Since i started this venture on March 8th with first chicks we got our first egg today....yay...i know its not a big deal but it made me excited that progress is happening.

Egg inside nesting box

Egg compared with Store Large Egg
Hi, everyone. Officially I live in Missouri but I'm subscribing to this thread as a wannabe Kansan. A few days ago I started looking for a place in the Flint Hills region of Kansas and hope to move within the next year or two. Fingers crossed! Places out that way seem hard to come by.
Welcome to the forum. We don't care if you live outside of Kansas.
Are you looking for a large acreage or just a home on a lot? The flint hills covers so much area. Also there's always the work situation. Where you find inexpensive homes the work is hard to find. Retirement of course is the best option if you are at that age. You might tell us what you are looking for and maybe we can make a suggestion of what towns to look for.
Do you have chickens now?
Posted by Anderson Lowe
Yay! It doesn't take very long before the eggs increase in size. Before long you'll be rocking some eggs that make the grocery store eggs look little.
Yep it's been miserable hot and I have had way too much time out in it. I got three grow out pens sorted today for the most part and pulled out the cockerels, other than some of my project birds which I will want to keep the best one for breeding. That was a lot of work and a lot of catching to do. I still have two pens of very crowded younger birds to sort and that is going to be a major project. I'm not looking forward to it.
I had two customers today and it took a few hours and I made very little money. But one of them asked to buy my old car that I'm tired of paying insurance and taxes on. So that was a good thing. They wanted to make payments so I'll be sure they sign an agreement and I will put a lien on the car until it's paid off. That way I won't have to keep insurance on it any more. I'll just be glad not to have to fork out that money for a car I don't use.
Hi, Chicken Danz. I'm definitely looking for a little acreage. Nothing extravagant, but at a minimum probably 40 acres maybe even as much as 160. Rolling hills pasture is fine because I'm not looking to farm any crops and I prefer that scenery. I know the area and I'm partial to Chase County or a neighboring county. But what is essential is the ability to build a permanent home so access to electricity. Work isn't an issue. And I don't have a flock yet so I'm unencumbered and can wait for the right place. But of course I'm anxious and would like to make the change sooner rather than later. If anyone has any leads I would love to hear about them!

Here is a side profile pic of the birds
Hi, Chicken Danz. I'm definitely looking for a little acreage. Nothing extravagant, but at a minimum probably 40 acres maybe even as much as 160. Rolling hills pasture is fine because I'm not looking to farm any crops and I prefer that scenery. I know the area and I'm partial to Chase County or a neighboring county. But what is essential is the ability to build a permanent home so access to electricity. Work isn't an issue. And I don't have a flock yet so I'm unencumbered and can wait for the right place. But of course I'm anxious and would like to make the change sooner rather than later. If anyone has any leads I would love to hear about them!
Oh so you want acreage without a home? Or maybe a not so fancy home so you can rebuild. The problem with the flint hills is that so many people have huge ranches with thousands of acreas cause it takes so many to maintain cattle out there. I agree Chase county is the best area to enjoy the true flint hills.Quote:

Here is a side profile pic of the birds
Teh one picture of the floppy comb definitely looks like a girl. The other picture is too far away to look at feathers. With those red combs if they are pullets they should start laying very soon.

I am so ready for the antiibiotics to start kicking this bronchitis. I am so tired of sitting up all night just so I won't spend the whole night coughing.
My son is coming to this area today to judge a barbecue contest. Then he is coming here to pick up a trailer I am selling him. He needs it to haul stuff with, in particular his barbecue gear for when he competes and doesn't judge. So I guess I need to sweep up some chick dust and hope he doesn't notice how messy the rest is.
I think it's supposed to cool down a little the next three days after today so maybe I'll get more work done outside then.
Well its that time again! Getting prepared for school to start. I am definitely ready! Been stuck in the house with 7 kids for most of the summer. I have 1 going back to his dad's today which is sad he is such a good kid I wish my brother would trade him for one of my spoiled rotten ones. Started potty training my two yr old yesterday, forgot how not fun that is and once I get him done I have to think about starting the last one. Also found a worm in one of my chickens poo's yesterday, fun fun, not! So I will have to find time to go to tsc today. My one layer has quit laying. Not sure if its because of worms or heat or just being old. She was laying every other day until this week but she is estimated at about 5-6 yrs old. Hopefully the young ones will wait to lay until after worming and withdrawal time. I really hate to have to throw out eggs. Just my luck though. Well I got almost an hour of quiet time to myself, would have been longer but I slept in until 7:30 cuz I was being lazy and needed the extra hour and a half of sleep. Now it's getting noisy again. Hope everyone can stay cool today, I will be driving most of the day but at least my truck has good ac. I am blessed that my hubby was able to buy me a nice 9 passenger suburban. Would be nicer if he would fix the DVD player in it. ;-) anyway, have a blessed day everyone!!
I'm so glad those days are over for me. I remember what a hassle it was to get supplies and clothing and run here and there for school. And I was always feeling totally broke until at least mid September after that, when lo and behold the car insurance and tags became due. It didn't matter where my income was either. It always seemed to put me in a financial bind. Followed immediately by the holidays!!!
Birds are going to cut back on laying in this heat. It's a given. Plus it's about time for them to start molting as well. I have a couple that have started. They seem to mostly do it in the fall but the schedule is really off this year. All my game type birds have gone into full molt.
I have so much to do to get ready for fall and winter anyway I can't imagine getting kids ready for school on top of that any more.

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