Consolidated Kansas

If you had snakes it would have been a different story.
I much prefer snakes to barn cats.
They can get in places the cats can't (where the mice hide) and the cats prefer to kill birds.
Snakes - that's precisely what I"m worried about! We've got a high population of rattlesnakes in this area that come out when it warms up. I've been seeing quite a bit of evidence of an increasing mouse population that I want to get taken care of before it warms up. I am definitely NOT a snake person and would prefer the cats to a snake or mouse any day!
You and me both, Lizzy!!! I Hate snakes. No offense to those that like them but I can't stand them. My cats are excellent mousers and will inhale any loud they can find, alive, dead or whatever. It's a growl fest over who gets it and who doesn't.
You and me both, Lizzy!!! I Hate snakes. No offense to those that like them but I can't stand them. My cats are excellent mousers and will inhale any loud they can find, alive, dead or whatever. It's a growl fest over who gets it and who doesn't.
I never really liked snakes but never really had a problem with them 'till I moved to rattlesnake country - and an area that has a high population of them at that! I dislike always being surprised by them - especially the rattlesnakes but also the bullsnakes and blue racers which are the other two most prevalent types of snakes in this area.

It is supposed to be 75*F here on Thursday. It's gonna be beautiful, but that's warm enough for snakes. Yikes! I gotta get this mouse problem under control quick!
Need some info on these two chickens is roaster or hens? Any idea what breed the red black one is? I know the yellow and black us an EE.

Thank you everyone these two are always apart and "watching over the other chickens or leading them out-in "
The first one is a cockerel and I can't see the feathers good enough on the second one but from what I see I would say cockerel as well. And they both look like EEs to me. Sorry.
I went out to do chores this morning, and discovered a couple of mice. They were at the bottom of a metal trashcan that we keep cat food in. They'd gotten in and couldn't get back out. I went and got one of our farmcats, and put him in the bin with the mice. He tried to jump out until I put his nose down almost on top of the mice. He then grabbed one and jumped out, promptly letting it go and re-catching it. Ugh! I hate it when they do that. The other cat refused to even look at the 2nd mouse, even when the mouse climbed on him while trying to climb out of the trash can. So, I grabbed a peach can and caught the mouse and topped it with my gloved hand. I then dumped it upside down and called the dog. The dog got all excited about what was under there, so I lifted the can and the dog promptly watched the mouse run away. GRR! Oh well, I guess it's one less mouse int he world. The cat was seen only a couple minutes later mouse-less so I hope he killed it before he stopped playing with it. I'm not sure if we're feeding our cats too much or what! We've got them to control the mice and then theyd on't even eat the ones I hand them!

If I had chickens, would the story have gone differently? Would the chickens have eaten the mice in the metal trash can if I pointed them out to one of them? I'm excited for the arrival of my hatchery surprise box early next month! I'm looking forward to trying my hand at chickens (and anything else that comes in the box)!
Quote: Snakes eat eggs and even baby chicks. I try my best to keep my mouse population under control with the cats and they've done a great job except where they can't get into. I honestly am not afraid of snakes, but if I find them in or around my bird pens they die. No questions asked. Anyone who likes snakes is welcome to come and take every one that comes on my property. I really used to like snakes until I saw them gobbling up some very expensive eggs on more than one occasion, as well as killing a newly hatched gosling that was worth $50.
And when you combine that with a poisonous one I like them even less. The way I see it the fields are full of mice and all kinds of stuff to eat. They need to stay out there not where I live.
I didn't get much done today on my projects. I cleaned out the chick bins and cleaned out the brooder house , and fed and watered. That ate up my whole day.
Hi all im f
rom oskaloosa
Shoot now I'm worried that my 13 wk old flock is filled with roosters which will make getting eggs really hard. Can I mark each chicken leg with a washable nontoxic market and post pictures of each one and be told which that chicken is? Cause I need to see how many I need to replace before I come shopping at Danz's :)
Hi all im from oskaloosa
Welcome oskie. Join in and tell us more about yourself.
Shoot now I'm worried that my 13 wk old flock is filled with roosters which will make getting eggs really hard. Can I mark each chicken leg with a washable nontoxic market and post pictures of each one and be told which that chicken is? Cause I need to see how many I need to replace before I come shopping at Danz's
You could do that but it would be easier to use wire ties or something. I don't think the marker would stay on very long. If taking pictures it's best to get a good close up including the back end so I can see the feathers. All pictures are helpful though. Sometimes you can tell by the way a chicken stands but not in all cases. Nothing is 100%. I tried for months to sell a cockerel who has turned out to be one of my best layers. They can really fool you.
One thing about it, if you have roosters you'll always have something to eat. I make sure to tell all my roosters thanks and I'm sorry when I butcher them. There's always someone wanting some to butcher though for the most part.
The wind is insane today. I guess instead of doing more work outside I am going to try to concentrate on the house which needs it even more. Sure puts a damper in my enthusiasm of working outside in warm weather though.
Do you mean zip ties? That would be great but how do put them on where they won't be too tight? I don't want to hurt my chickens legs as they grow :( and yes while my husband thinks I can't do it I have no issue butchering my chickens if I have a ton of roosters. Though like you I will thank them for their gift of life for my family I would never disrespect an animal by not doing that. They are my pets but I have never bonded with them to the point that them meeting the butcher block is a problem. At what age do Roosters start crowing since I have been told that hens make many noises but only rooster crow. Is this true? I don't want to send someone to the block if they are going to give me eggs :) thanks everyone for you're help you make having chickens such a joy :)
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I use colored zip ties till the birds are big enough for #7 bandettes which is at about 3 months or less.

I pull the tie till it can't be pulled off the foot but is still plenty loose. As they grow you have to regularly change them.
I check them at 2 weeks and then every 3 weeks after that. The older they get the less frequently you have to change them.
Until you get a feel for it, it's just better to check more often than less. Use a good pair of dykes to cut the old ones off.

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