Consolidated Kansas

Okay, I've been offline from BYC for a few days, I went back 3 pages, but give up after that! I have no idea what's been going on. We're just up to our eye balls in 'stuff here. I drive down tonight to start my job in OKC. Interesting story... I was going to rent this condo from this guy that owns several of them in a gated neighborhood down in MidWest City and I couldn't get ahold of him the last two days to check on the condo and I finally got ahold of him last night. He tells me that he lives in Moore and that his house sustained heavy damage-- part of his roof is gone, blown out windows, siding torn off his house. The house is standing, which he's thankful for. But he said it's going to be another week before I can get the condo-- I'm wondering if they might be staying in it themselves while they situate their own home. Sigh. I feel bad for him. So I'll be in a hotel for a week... I hope not longer!
When I heard about the OK tornado, I was worried about you as I wasn't sure if you were still in KS or not. I'm glad to hear you are okay and hope that your move to OKC goes well.
That's interesting what you guys are saying about snakes. My daughter thinks she may have seen a Timber rattler when she was riding last weekend. I've been noticing a lot more turkey vultures flying above this spring, I'm thinking maybe last years drought and record heat may have made some adjustments in the critter populations. Some equine vets I talked to last week said the ticks are horrible this year. On the other hand I don't seem to notice as many June bugs as we normally have I wonder if that's cuz the girls have been getting them when they "range" or is that from the drought too?
I wish there was some way that some of you folks that are doing so much breeding could market your birds easier. Knowing what I know now (or at least what I think I know) I would like to have bought some chicks from a breeder /small buisiness person. But when you're at Orscliens and they are right there and it's so easy to just pick-up six and go and all the other things that cause chicken math that makes it so easy. But then on the other hand with what happened to Jen last week it seems sort of strange to just ask somebody what they have for sale.I've had pretty good luck buying things from people on craigslist but also know that isn't always the case. I know I'm not the most tech-savy person but the buy,sell ,trade section on BYC was confusing to me. How do you feel about the auctions ?, I've only been to a couple of horse auctions before as a spectator (mixed feelings there too). I'm starting to talk myself into feeling guilty about getting chicks at the store and then turning to the kind folks on BYC for advice and wisdom. whew! Enough rambling for one night.!
Most of us started out with hatchery birds and many of us still have hatchery birds. There is nothing wrong with that and I can't stress that enough. Since I do hatch for profit though and want nice birds so the 4H kids have something decent to show I switched directions. I still have some hatchery quality birds though. If you want pets and egg layers that is the way to go. You can always get nicer birds later if you want.
We aren't chicken snobs and some of my very best layers have been barnyard mixed.
I'm not too impressed with the poultry auctions. I've heard about too many people getting scammed different than any place else where you deal with a person you don't know or birds you can't see. It always hurts the honest sellers for sure.
I got my first two India Blue Peafowl eggs yesterday. Yay! I also got my first blue/gold partridge brahma egg finally yesterday. I am so happy!!! I need to get those brahmas in a bigger pen. They are stuck in the chicken tractor which is way too small for them.
That's interesting what you guys are saying about snakes. My daughter thinks she may have seen a Timber rattler when she was riding last weekend. I've been noticing a lot more turkey vultures flying above this spring, I'm thinking maybe last years drought and record heat may have made some adjustments in the critter populations. Some equine vets I talked to last week said the ticks are horrible this year. On the other hand I don't seem to notice as many June bugs as we normally have I wonder if that's cuz the girls have been getting them when they "range" or is that from the drought too?
I wish there was some way that some of you folks that are doing so much breeding could market your birds easier. Knowing what I know now (or at least what I think I know) I would like to have bought some chicks from a breeder /small buisiness person. But when you're at Orscliens and they are right there and it's so easy to just pick-up six and go and all the other things that cause chicken math that makes it so easy. But then on the other hand with what happened to Jen last week it seems sort of strange to just ask somebody what they have for sale.I've had pretty good luck buying things from people on craigslist but also know that isn't always the case. I know I'm not the most tech-savy person but the buy,sell ,trade section on BYC was confusing to me. How do you feel about the auctions ?, I've only been to a couple of horse auctions before as a spectator (mixed feelings there too). I'm starting to talk myself into feeling guilty about getting chicks at the store and then turning to the kind folks on BYC for advice and wisdom. whew! Enough rambling for one night.!

I found three ticks on myself the other day. I hope this is not the beginning of a bad tick season.

My TSC in Lees Summit had a poultry swap last weekend. I met quite a few local breeders that have been in the business for decades. I ended up with two cochin hens and a couple business cards for the future. They were selling some beautiful pairs. If I didn't already have so many babies starting to crow, I would have brought home a beautiful cochin pair I think they were partridges. The rooster was absolutely gorgeous and so gentle.

There was also a silkie and show girl breeder and some beautiful breeds I have never seen before.
When I heard about the OK tornado, I was worried about you as I wasn't sure if you were still in KS or not. I'm glad to hear you are okay and hope that your move to OKC goes well.
Yep, all is well with us and I was not down there. Hopefully I can get into my condo asap when the owner is ready. I'm less thrilled about this move now. I have no clue if this community has shelters or not. I'll be asking about that! It does have a little fenced in yard and I'm going to bring my little dogs with me for company. They can stay outside while I'm at work. I think the condo is kind of cute-- has a garage, too. Dummy me, I didnt check if it has washer/dryer hook ups. I'm assuming it did and when we did our walk through, I just didn't look! I wonder if I could sneak down a couple hens with me for fresh eggs for breakfast? LOL

Most of us started out with hatchery birds and many of us still have hatchery birds. There is nothing wrong with that and I can't stress that enough. Since I do hatch for profit though and want nice birds so the 4H kids have something decent to show I switched directions. I still have some hatchery quality birds though. If you want pets and egg layers that is the way to go. You can always get nicer birds later if you want.
We aren't chicken snobs and some of my very best layers have been barnyard mixed.
I'm not too impressed with the poultry auctions. I've heard about too many people getting scammed different than any place else where you deal with a person you don't know or birds you can't see. It always hurts the honest sellers for sure.
I got my first two India Blue Peafowl eggs yesterday. Yay! I also got my first blue/gold partridge brahma egg finally yesterday. I am so happy!!! I need to get those brahmas in a bigger pen. They are stuck in the chicken tractor which is way too small for them.
I agree with Danz. My hatchery birds are the best layers. The pure breds aren't the greatest layers-- so if you are wanting eggs, it doesn't matter that you buy your birds from the feed store. No reason to feel guilty about it. It really just depends on what your goals with your birds are. If you are wanting to join 4-H and go to shows-- then you need better birds than that. But if you just want to enjoy your birds and have them as pets and to lay for you-- then the hatchery birds are excellent for that.

Danz, congrats on the pea eggs!!! Are you going to let them sit themselves or are you going to try to hatch them yourself?? I leave tonight around 4pm. Going to stay at a hotel tonight and start the job tomorrow. Right now, I can't decide if I'm excited/happy or just too over come with the stress of this situation to feel much emotion at all!
I sort of feel "blank".
Yep, all is well with us and I was not down there. Hopefully I can get into my condo asap when the owner is ready. I'm less thrilled about this move now. I have no clue if this community has shelters or not. I'll be asking about that! It does have a little fenced in yard and I'm going to bring my little dogs with me for company. They can stay outside while I'm at work. I think the condo is kind of cute-- has a garage, too. Dummy me, I didnt check if it has washer/dryer hook ups. I'm assuming it did and when we did our walk through, I just didn't look! I wonder if I could sneak down a couple hens with me for fresh eggs for breakfast? LOL

I agree with Danz. My hatchery birds are the best layers. The pure breds aren't the greatest layers-- so if you are wanting eggs, it doesn't matter that you buy your birds from the feed store. No reason to feel guilty about it. It really just depends on what your goals with your birds are. If you are wanting to join 4-H and go to shows-- then you need better birds than that. But if you just want to enjoy your birds and have them as pets and to lay for you-- then the hatchery birds are excellent for that.

Danz, congrats on the pea eggs!!! Are you going to let them sit themselves or are you going to try to hatch them yourself?? I leave tonight around 4pm. Going to stay at a hotel tonight and start the job tomorrow. Right now, I can't decide if I'm excited/happy or just too over come with the stress of this situation to feel much emotion at all!
I sort of feel "blank".

Moving is very stressful, especially when it is a big distance and there are children and pets involved. Just to many things to worry about. I swear it took me a year to recover, even though it was a company transfer and my company did so much of it for us.
Yep, all is well with us and I was not down there. Hopefully I can get into my condo asap when the owner is ready. I'm less thrilled about this move now. I have no clue if this community has shelters or not. I'll be asking about that! It does have a little fenced in yard and I'm going to bring my little dogs with me for company. They can stay outside while I'm at work. I think the condo is kind of cute-- has a garage, too. Dummy me, I didnt check if it has washer/dryer hook ups. I'm assuming it did and when we did our walk through, I just didn't look! I wonder if I could sneak down a couple hens with me for fresh eggs for breakfast? LOL

Danz, congrats on the pea eggs!!! Are you going to let them sit themselves or are you going to try to hatch them yourself?? I leave tonight around 4pm. Going to stay at a hotel tonight and start the job tomorrow. Right now, I can't decide if I'm excited/happy or just too over come with the stress of this situation to feel much emotion at all!
I sort of feel "blank".
Wishing you and your family the best with your new life in a new state. I cannot even imagine what you are going through - all of you.

They make those little chicken houses that look like a garbage can. Maybe that would conceal you breakfast makers?
Wishing you and your family the best with your new life in a new state. I cannot even imagine what you are going through - all of you.

They make those little chicken houses that look like a garbage can. Maybe that would conceal you breakfast makers?

You know, personally, now that I have had silkies (and they do occasionally watch TV with us) - what is the difference between a chicken and a parrot???? At least the silkies cannot fly and they are much quieter. I think a rooster crowing is even quieter than the noises some of the parrots can make.

I should have wished you the best too. It is always exciting being in a new place. I have been here 4 years, and still continuously learning about the area I moved to.
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Yep, all is well with us and I was not down there. Hopefully I can get into my condo asap when the owner is ready. I'm less thrilled about this move now. I have no clue if this community has shelters or not. I'll be asking about that! It does have a little fenced in yard and I'm going to bring my little dogs with me for company. They can stay outside while I'm at work. I think the condo is kind of cute-- has a garage, too. Dummy me, I didnt check if it has washer/dryer hook ups. I'm assuming it did and when we did our walk through, I just didn't look! I wonder if I could sneak down a couple hens with me for fresh eggs for breakfast? LOL

I agree with Danz. My hatchery birds are the best layers. The pure breds aren't the greatest layers-- so if you are wanting eggs, it doesn't matter that you buy your birds from the feed store. No reason to feel guilty about it. It really just depends on what your goals with your birds are. If you are wanting to join 4-H and go to shows-- then you need better birds than that. But if you just want to enjoy your birds and have them as pets and to lay for you-- then the hatchery birds are excellent for that.

Danz, congrats on the pea eggs!!! Are you going to let them sit themselves or are you going to try to hatch them yourself?? I leave tonight around 4pm. Going to stay at a hotel tonight and start the job tomorrow. Right now, I can't decide if I'm excited/happy or just too over come with the stress of this situation to feel much emotion at all!
I sort of feel "blank".

Hawkeye, good luck in your new job & keep in touch with us. I hope you can get into the condo soon, there probably will be even less places to rent now that the tornado occurred down there. It's always stressful to move & especially so to a different state & away from your family. I know you will miss your birds too. I'm glad you're taking your little dogs for company, that will help.

It's been really cool here today & cloudy, we have a thunderstorm on it's way here now. I had thought it was coming earlier, but didn't. I can hear thunder again out there. We had to run to Wichita today for maintenance on our car & the usual shopping, so we didn't get home till late afternoon.

I found a new home for my Speckled Sussex rooster where there are no other roosters, so he should be a happy boy there. He's a good rooster, just doesn't like any other competition. He beat the heck out of my Cream Legbar rooster, he still has scabs all over his comb from the fight. His eye is finally less swollen so he can see better again. Anyway, I just got through catching old Spec awhile ago & the new owner is coming back in a bit to pick him up. He got away from me & I figured well I won't be able to catch him till bedtime now, but I opened the pen where he had been staying & a hen walked in & he walked right back in there with her, so I got lucky & got him in there, catching him though proved to be a bit harder even with the net. I caught him once & he got out & then caught him again. He's sitting out there in a dog kennel right now. I'm just glad I found a home for him, he's too nice of a rooster to be eaten.

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