Consolidated Kansas

Trish, we're looking for some nice show birds for 4 H. My son LOVES his Ameraucanas and is looking to add some ladies for his boys. I know you have some pretty birds.

We also have Large Cochins, both White and Black Langshans, and a pair of little frizzles. We also have a bantam roo, James, who thinks he is all that!!! He's hilarious to watch. He hides behind Midge (his "adopted" momma) but then crows as soon as you turn your back.

Any other ideas for available good show birds? We have a ladies pen for our show girls, so they can be a different breed.

Oh, as a side note, I think Danz solved the mystery surrounding my in-laws cat. Sam is a house cat that rarely gets to go outside. One day he disappeared--and a week and a half later he showed back up FIXED. No one knew what happened to him. Here's the kicker--he was a nicer cat BEFORE he was fixed. Whoever fixed him had to know he was a pet--he is VERY well fed. They also feed several "strays" but poor Sam was the only one catnapped. Well, thanks Cowley County.
Well I only have a pair at present of the Wheaten Ameraucanas, I've been trying for a year to raise some more hens to add to the flock, but no luck so far. I also have a new lavender Ameraucana rooster that is just getting to breeding age & two lavender hens. I've got some young ones out in the growout pen to add in there when they're old enough. So I will hopefully have a few chicks from both pens as soon as they start laying again. Of course they will be straight run because it's hard to tell on the lavenders for sure till they're older, the wheatens are a bit easier. I do have Salmon Faverolles at present if you like those, they're really calm & friendly birds & they have a beard as well & feathered feet.

Oh wow, so the cat got fixed free of charge compliments of the City of Winfield then, how strange. Does your MIL happen to live close to William Newton Hospital?

HEChicken, I am really upset. I went out to feed and water and my RP Tom is NOT doing well.

He's been just fine but he was just standing there like he was in a daze instead of strutting and stuff. I put wormer in his water and gave him a dose of metronidazole and now he is just laying there with his eyes closed. I picked him up and set him in the shelter and he had no fight left in him. He's been perfectly fine. I noticed yellow diarrhea in the pen. Not a good sign. Not sure what it is but now I'm afraid all the other turkeys might come down ill. Heart breaking! I did give both the girls a half doze of metronidazole as well to be safe. I know I have a couple eggs that are fertile but I sure don't want to loose him now that the girls are laying. I figured out which one laid yesterday and I don't know if one or both of them are.
I also found another pullet egg in one of pens where I had put the 5-6 months old birds. At least this one I understand but have no idea who laid it.
This has NOT been a good week bird wise. I wish I knew what to do to save this guy.
Danz, I'm sorry to say those sound like Blackhead symptoms. That is what killed my first RP tom I had, he got sick & died so fast I didn't really have time to figure out what he had & then by the time he did I was able to get the meds & treat the hens so they didn't get it. I'm not sure if that is what my RP hen died from, she really didn't seem the same as the tom. Unfortunately if the tom is that sick I doubt he will drink anything & I don't know how long it takes that med to take effect either. That particular disease only can be treated with that one drug.
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KKB, that was a sad situation with your neighbor's animals. There are just some dogs as well that are hard to contain, fence or no fence. There are even some that will tear through a dog run fence to get free, I have seen the aftermath of some of those dog runs. They have a law here in Winfield that owners of dogs are only allowed to have their dog tied up outside for so many hours a day then they have to be taken off the chain or rope & taken inside or other enclosure. I know they don't enforce that unless someone complains, but it is a pet peeve of mine for people to keep a dog tied up outside for hours & hours & often you see them sitting right out in the sun with no shelter whatsoever & no water. Those are the people that shouldn't be allowed to have a dog.
My dogs were not destructive to the wooden fence but they could easily dig under it because of the sandy soil. My solution was to put an electric fence about six inches from the ground, that ended the digging. It was kind of funny to see them go up to the fence and 'sniff' at it. I finally decided that what they were doing was feeling their whiskers pulling with each surge of electricity, they knew when it was on.

My neighbors dogs would climb over the fence so he put an electric wire on the top and a cattle panel leaning up against it so they would have a ground. That kept them from wanting to climb out but then they started digging to get out. It wasn't until they dug into my yard did they get into a fight.

My Elkhounds were friendly to every dog that they were around, I never understood why they hurt those two. Perhaps they played too hard and things got carried away. For those of you who are not familiar with Elkhounds they resemble a small gray and black Shepard with a curly tail, the largest ones are not supposed to be above forty-five pounds. My male was not within the SOP and was about fifty-five pounds, too heavy for that breed. I eventually lost all three of them to what I believe was a neighbor who poisoned them. The male was the son and brother of the other two and when they went into heat I would confine him. A different neighbor from who I have been talking about here would call the police on me, call all hours of the night and hang up, and would not talk to me when I would go to discuss the problem with him. Twice the police came when the dog was locked up in the garage, they were nice and apologized about having to respond to the call.

Eventually all three dogs died to what the vet called cancer about three months later, all within a month of each other. A few years later we got a rescue dog, he was a finished champion who could go no further and the show people did not want him any more. What a great dog, when we first got him he acted like he hadn't seen grass before and avoided it as much as he could, he really liked to be indoors, unfortunately that is what killed him. Long and hurtful story, I will leave it at that.
We are stressed to the max.
been dealing with county and other morons rewriting codes in our area just to screw us out of our birds.
I put up one hell of a fight, and so far its been quite for about 6 weeks
I understand that. You should be grandfathered in. I'm sure between you and Duck they had an ugly fight on their hands.
Well I only have a pair at present of the Wheaten Ameraucanas, I've been trying for a year to raise some more hens to add to the flock, but no luck so far. I also have a new lavender Ameraucana rooster that is just getting to breeding age & two lavender hens. I've got some young ones out in the growout pen to add in there when they're old enough. So I will hopefully have a few chicks from both pens as soon as they start laying again. Of course they will be straight run because it's hard to tell on the lavenders for sure till they're older, the wheatens are a bit easier. I do have Salmon Faverolles at present if you like those, they're really calm & friendly birds & they have a beard as well & feathered feet.

Oh wow, so the cat got fixed free of charge compliments of the City of Winfield then, how strange. Does your MIL happen to live close to William Newton Hospital?

Danz, I'm sorry to say those sound like Blackhead symptoms. That is what killed my first RP tom I had, he got sick & died so fast I didn't really have time to figure out what he had & then by the time he did I was able to get the meds & treat the hens so they didn't get it. I'm not sure if that is what my RP hen died from, she really didn't seem the same as the tom. Unfortunately if the tom is that sick I doubt he will drink anything & I don't know how long it takes that med to take effect either. That particular disease only can be treated with that one drug.
I've never seen it before but he yellow diarrhea and his sudden decline is what tipped me off. I had the meds in pill form and just stuck them down his throat. I'm just afraid he is too far gone to help. I wasn't sure what worms carried blackhead until after I came in here and read. It's the cecal worms and they should have been killed by the safeguard. I put ivermectin in the water so tomorrow I guess I'll have to change that to Safeguard. The problem is I need to get those hens off that ground and I have no way to do it. Their shelter is actually built attached to the double dog kennel and it is attached to the one next door. I really really need to talk to a professional about this. What about my other pens and if my other turkeys are safe since they are in different pens. I can't find any place to buy the medication for prevention either. (nitarsone) I don't want to give up my turkeys! I'm just sick.
I understand that. You should be grandfathered in. I'm sure between you and Duck they had an ugly fight on their hands.
I've never seen it before but he yellow diarrhea and his sudden decline is what tipped me off. I had the meds in pill form and just stuck them down his throat. I'm just afraid he is too far gone to help. I wasn't sure what worms carried blackhead until after I came in here and read. It's the cecal worms and they should have been killed by the safeguard. I put ivermectin in the water so tomorrow I guess I'll have to change that to Safeguard. The problem is I need to get those hens off that ground and I have no way to do it. Their shelter is actually built attached to the double dog kennel and it is attached to the one next door. I really really need to talk to a professional about this. What about my other pens and if my other turkeys are safe since they are in different pens. I can't find any place to buy the medication for prevention either. (nitarsone) I don't want to give up my turkeys! I'm just sick.

That's the strange thing because the Safeguard is what I had been worming my turkeys & peafowl with because I had read it was the better wormer for the peafowl. So either he got the Blackhead before I wormed or it didn't work, one of the two. I really can't remember at this point when it was that I had wormed them before he got sick.
They can get the protzoan from eating earth worms, but I guess they live in the cecal worms in the turkeys the way I understood what I read. It's only been two to three weeks since I used the safeguard. I've got to find some medicated turkey feed somewhere. I can't loose these birds.
Danz , sorry about your turkey,hope you can keep the others from getting it.

Well, another one bit the dust tonight ! jeez,I wonder why all of a sudden we have possums coming out of the wood work ? I've never seen it like this. DD even said a friend at school said they had to dispatch a couple of them in the last week... creepy. We probably need to look at getting another dog that will do a better job on patrol then the two we have , even though they are getting older they still are relatively healthy ,just not as busy as they were when they were younger. I really don't want to add another animal, we already have plenty. I'm not sure which "gateway" animal it was that started it all but it seams like there is always some logical,problem solving reason to add another .Sure would be nice to not have to deal with possums tho.

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