Consolidated Kansas

Danz you need to get to the Dr. & get some medicine so you can feel better.

It was just horrible here with the heat yesterday. I waited as late as I could to go out & feed to get it done before dark but it didn't help. It was still hot even at dark & I got overheated myself trying to get the birds & animals fed. I came in & made one of my protein smoothies with lots of ice & it helped refresh me a little & made me feel better. I just don't do that well when I get too hot. I did lose one hen yesterday, one of my heritage barred rocks I hated to lose. Of course I hate to lose any bird but she was one of my breeders & those are popular birds. I have the same Reece line that Danz has. I went out in the afternoon to spray pens down & give them somewhere to cool off a little & gave my rabbits a shower to cool them off as well but I had already lost that hen. The rabbits don't do that well with the heat either. They have shade & always plenty of water but they really suffer. My GPs were really having a time yesterday too keeping cool. I wish they would let me spray them down with water but they run away from me when they see me with the hose. They just don't like being wet. They can lay out in the show in the winter & be just happy as can be but you get out a hose & they're out of there, silly dogs. We have plenty of shade but even in the shade it was miserable yesterday.
My pyr finally gave up and came inside. Seems he really feels the heat the older he gets. He is 5 1/2 so I guess middle age. I was watching him earlier and his breathing is funky, I sat next to him to try to brush him out but he got up and went in the other room. He normally loves being brushed so he is really feeling off! Doesn't help he doesn't blow his winter coat til August, he is really off schedule all his life. Bout like his family I guess! Lol

Trisha, that pretty bird is for sale, not having any luck selling my yearlings this year. :(. They are awfully ornery. I have one that tried to chase the deer off s few weeks ago, he is quite the character!

They keep peeping in the bathroom skylight when any of us is iin the shower, drives my sis nuts. Peeping peas! :)
Is anyone familiar with Cackle Hatchery in Lebanon MO?

Since I seem to have lots of roosters and minimal hens i am going to have to revamp my counts.

Figured I would use the hatchery since I need a few different breeds.

Additionally the better half wants me to find out everyones input on Roo or not, I say its a Roo just because of how my luck is going :)

I did also secure an area outside of the City Limits I can use, its going to take lots of prep work before I can even start thinking about fencing. I can access electric out there but for now I will have to shuttle my water around and make a temp. coop as I am not able to put a permanent structure out there (I don't own it so I would have made a permeant one anyways) Planning on adding some meaters with my Roos out there so when I do go to process for meat I can make it worth my while and I can keep the hens and as the wife puts it "the cute ones" here in town.

Thanks everyone
I have over 30 from Cackle Hatchery. The straight runs (of 5) I received have been a very good turn out with one breed having only one Roo and the other breed only two. The rest I purchased pullets and so far so good. They even gave me 3 extra surprise ones free. Must've been gift with purchase. lol Today I am questioning one of the EE pullets as a possible Roo, which were one breed I ordered pullets only, yet I am not 100% sure just yet. All were very healthy. Only lost one to drowning in the duck pool.

As far as your pic, my vote is pullet.
I see everyone is "dealing" with the heat! Chicken Danz, I pray you get to feeling better; I cannot imagine bronchitis in this humidity!!!!

My flock seems to be tolerating the heat fairly well; of course, I am out checking on them every few hours if not more and they love to play in the mister! However, yesterday was a "freaky deaky heat-wave" day as I walked into the coop and discovered one of my elder Roos sitting on eggs (?!?), while not too long after a strange sound penetrated my concentration (I was out working on a shed floor), only to twirl around for a look see and witness one of my bantam egg-laying pullets spewing forth a full-blown squeaky deaky cock-a-doodle-doo! Whaaa??? I shook my head, sweat spraying everywhere, trying to refocus my mind and vision, but I wasn't disoriented or hearing things. Speechless. I know, I have read about this happening - usually when no Roos or dominant Roos are in the flock - but that's just not the case here. Hmmmm. I quickly tried to video her crowing - too late! Darn!

This morning I vent sexed the new chicks. Out of the five ameraucana/wyandotte poofballs: only one female

Out of the four Welsummer crosses: 3 females
- but unfortunately, on the UGLY vulture-looking supposed Plymouth Rock crosses (they're a few weeks older) - I could not be for certain at all.

The only bonus on those poor unattractive things: calm and sweet-natured as all get out!

I had planned on starting the digging of topsoil on my garden walkway yesterday, and then today, but my CRS has kicked in overdrive and I cannot locate my garden tools!!! SMH! Guess I'm just not to be out in the heat doing such labor.

Finally had success breaking the broody Thai hen, Gracie. I tried the broody-breaker advice, and separated her in a shaded tamped-down run with a mister on her, keeping her from the coop, too. Did that for two days and it worked.

Have a duckling hatching today, which will make the second one from my flock.
I'm excited and anxious - and praying for a female

Am looking into adding some Jaerons and Isbars. Anyone familiar with or have experience with those breeds?

Hubby made mention that I should have a colorful bunch of eggs come spring, which is the goal, but no white ones. He thinks I should have white ones in the mix, too. LOL. So, trying to decide what breed I wanna add for good 'ol white eggs.

BTW, anyone, I am noticing that "DH" refers to the husbands - but what does it stand for???

Well, everybody - BE SAFE AND STAY COOL!!!!
DH stands for Dear Husband or Darling Husband. But it could be easily dumb husband!

The heat is a kicker for sure. I had company today but made them follow me while I watered the birds. I just couldn't let them stay out there without water. I don't plan to feed until it cools down some.
My GPs were having a hard time the last couple days. I just don't see them when it's this hot. It wouldn't take much to overheat them. I often wish I could get them to just go in a stock tank and cool down. They hate the water hose as well.
I have so much I need to be doing but I don't want to work too much in this heat or stress the birds by moving them.
Sharon, your mental image is right on! Anytime we are in the bathroom there are about 5 to 7 inquisitive pea faces peering down at us! Imagine this image amplified by 5 and peering at you when you go pee!


"What are you doing in there?" :lol:
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That is funny about the peas peeking into the bathroom window!

Someone asked about Isbars, I have not had them & decided I didn't want another breed that are not hardy. I heard from others that they're kind of fragile & they had to give them special vitamins & all. I had that problem with the Swedish Flower Hens. It seems like some of the imported breeds just aren't as hardy here in our country, maybe because they haven't evolved enough in our climates & with our bacteria & all. I have not heard anything about the Jaerhorns at all as far as problems or likes. You might look at the chicken breed reviews on BYC & see if they have that breed there. Some of the more exotic breeds lay pretty eggs but not as many as other breeds so it's kind of a trade-off with that.

My DH just had to have his car towed into town to the shop because it wouldn't start. If it's not one thing it's another it seems like. The car is getting old so it's hard telling what it is this time. He just spent several hundred dollars on it in January. It really is time for him to start looking for a newer one, sigh.
The mystery of the missing chick. Aaaand, this month's chicken drama at my house continues!

We seemed to have lost my son's Golden-Laced Blue Brahma that he got from Danz overnight. I counted and re-counted the chickens last night after the coop was locked, and personally put the seemingly-vanished chick on the roost myself. This morning when my son went out to open the pop door and do the morning check, it was gone.

We spent 2 hours out in the silo coop tearing it up and checking and re-checking for our missing baby. We didn't find it.

My hens still aren't laying, so I started some vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics in their water yesterday just in case there's something going on with their health. I did notice one of the girls coughing this morning while we were out there.

I'm hoping our baby Brahma turns up, but after spending 2 hours out there with no indications of where it went or how, I'm a little skeptical.
That is funny about the peas peeking into the bathroom window!

Someone asked about Isbars, I have not had them & decided I didn't want another breed that are not hardy. I heard from others that they're kind of fragile & they had to give them special vitamins & all. I had that problem with the Swedish Flower Hens. It seems like some of the imported breeds just aren't as hardy here in our country, maybe because they haven't evolved enough in our climates & with our bacteria & all. I have not heard anything about the Jaerhorns at all as far as problems or likes. You might look at the chicken breed reviews on BYC & see if they have that breed there. Some of the more exotic breeds lay pretty eggs but not as many as other breeds so it's kind of a trade-off with that.

My DH just had to have his car towed into town to the shop because it wouldn't start. If it's not one thing it's another it seems like. The car is getting old so it's hard telling what it is this time. He just spent several hundred dollars on it in January. It really is time for him to start looking for a newer one, sigh.
I couldn't find it....and that was because its under Blue Isbar! LOL

Sounds like the fragile issue was resolved a long time ago and seems like they are adored among reviewers. The breeder is close to me, so figured might as well give it a shot. Then after looking at and reading up some on Jaerhons, which again I couldn't find because its under Norwegian Jaerhons, sounds and looks like the same: adored. Same breeder of the Isbars, so, I'll make sure to report how it goes.

Thanks for the DH definition, too!

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