Consolidated Kansas

I wanted to say that I went to Waverly and traded with Danz for some chooks. She is such a nice person and I was overloaded with all of the cool birds lol. I decided this year to start breeding some Lavender Orpingtons and the roosters that I got from Danz are going to have me off to an amazing start I was up until 6am finishing projects and I finally got the wood of my incubator sealed before i set the eggs for my second hatch. I will set the eggs tonight Danz after I cut some recesses for my water trays. I need days that are 36 hours long.
I did build one and I have some kind of sickness because I continue to think of building more. My first hatch went ok but humidity wasn't easy. I have now completely waterproofed the wood and it's time for a new test because I got 10 eggs from ChickenDanz. This time around i'm going to build a hatcher so that I can set eggs at various times without having to remove the turner in the incubator.
I suppose that I could work on these things forever and that there would still be more to do! hahaha chicken life.
I wanted to say that I went to Waverly and traded with Danz for some chooks. She is such a nice person and I was overloaded with all of the cool birds lol. I decided this year to start breeding some Lavender Orpingtons and the roosters that I got from Danz are going to have me off to an amazing start I was up until 6am finishing projects and I finally got the wood of my incubator sealed before i set the eggs for my second hatch. I will set the eggs tonight Danz after I cut some recesses for my water trays. I need days that are 36 hours long.
It was great to meet you too. I enjoyed the time. I know what you mean by 36 hour long days. I could use those all the time. I failed to mention heat sinks for your incubator projects. I've known several people take things like baby food jars and fill them with rocks and water. Once those take on the heat of the incubator they hold the temp longer so the heat coil doesn't have to work as hard to maintain temperature. I don't know that you'll have room for those in this project but it's a good idea for the future. As long as you keep building!!!
Good luck with those eggs. You actually have more for English Lavender breeders now than I do if they all grow up to breeding age. I should really hold one more pullet for myself just in case.
@TytoAlba , coleco is an amazing person with tons of talent and extremely intelligent. I've been really impressed by his knowledge. I've seen pictures of his incubator and am amazed at the product.
Yesterday was a pretty worthless day. It was just too unbearable hot and humid to get much of anything done.
I decided to move one of the coops that needed the floor replaced and one side. It took quite a bit of juggling to get it pulled out, just to discover that not only the floor was gone, but the joists underneath had worked loose and were falling apart. To repair it would have been a bigger project than to start over. So I finished demolishing it early evening when it was cooler. I saved the doors and the roof. The roof was in perfect condition. The rest is beyond repair. Looks like I'm going to have a huge bonfire soon. It's going to take a few hours to clean up all the debris. I sure hope the next coop I have to move doesn't have the same issues. I really need to re-use this other building.
I may just try to build side panels and a base and hope I can get this roof section back on top of a different structure. That put me behind on my planned projects. It'll be nice to have the mess cleaned up so I can continue planning where everything else goes in the future. I saved the doors and some of the things I can re-use. I hope the cats discovered the massive amount of mice tunnels under there and got lots to eat last night! I keep re-thinking how I am going to set things up. I still need a few extra pens for grow outs and to separate birds so I don't want to eliminate them all.
I have been using forks on the bobcat to do a lot of this work. It's amazing how convenient they are. I'm so used to tying everything off to a bucket on the tractor and this works so much better. Just saving the time to not have to tie everything is wonderful.
coleco, that's great you built your own incubator. I bought a cabinet incubator & a matching hatcher & I'm so glad I have the separate hatcher. It makes things so much easier when you have all different stages of incubating going on. I had my incubator totally full all season till I finally wound down & stopped hatching the first of July.

Well my 4 oldest Sebbies have been doing really well going into their hoop coop at night so yesterday I decided to turn out the other 3 young ones & the 5 Ancona ducklings that have been in the pen with them. I don't know now if the ducklings think they're geese or the geese think they're ducks but even after going out to the front yard & seeing the others they stayed together. I had to herd them into the duck pen at feeding time & carry the goslings to the goose pen. I hope soon they learn where they belong because they're getting pretty big.

danz that's a shame about your building, but at least maybe you can use the parts on another one some time.
Yeah well this building was put together out of a free shipping container from Wolf creek and I got at least 5 years out of it. The only expense was the roof framing and metal and I still have that. I think I am going to go ahead and take the old floor out of the next building and replace it before I ever start to move it. I really need it to stay in tact. I just need to fix a pen for the birds in there to go until their section in the building is ready. There are too many of them to put in one inside pen.
It's a miserable day out there. Even with a ton of fans running it's hot in the building today. I was going to work out there but it's just too uncomfortable to deal with right now.
I really was amazed by your work Danz. Love the ideas and will have to come back for a work day to help sometime!
You definitely deserve a break even if it's unwanted. I will absolutely return the favor on the breeders when i find another line and build some pens. Can you add eggs into a flock without getting a new npip certificate?
My antivirus is blocking a url from Backyard Chickens sites. It is apparently an advertisement with a link that is "malformed" meaning it can go somewhere you don't want to go. Just a heads up. I use Avast, and it is pretty diligent about malformed links on websites.

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