Consolidated Kansas

My Pyrs are thankfully past the chewing stage, or at least my male who is loose on the yard is. So sorry about the package @lizzyGSR!! My parents have a young dog (one of our pups) and she LOVES plastic water bottles and will Tear around their yard playing with it. Lol
I'm still waiting on birds to get on the laying program too. I have quite a few young birds that I hatched last year that I'm hoping will start laying soon. With having just had DD I didn't get my goats all bred when I would have liked either, I still have several I'd like to breed yet for fall babies. Im also hoping for a litter of puppies this year too. Guess we'll see how things work out. DD will be 5 months in about a week and a half! How time flies!!!!
What an awful day for Easter. Late morning when I looked it was 30 degrees. This afternoon it went down to 26. Then we got sleet and then we got snow while I was out doing chores. This is just insane weather.
I had worked so hard the last few days that I barely had the energy to do my chores. I hope the week to come goes better than the weekend.
It definitely was not a nice day yesterday. We didn't get the snow like some did but got sleet very briefly & it was windy & cold. I didn't even want to go out & do chores, I had to talk myself into it.
Well I'm not getting my wish for better weather for sure. Last night on the weather they were predicting 4 inches of snow for us here on Friday, and then an additional 8 inches of snow on Sunday. This is supposed to be spring isn't it? Not the middle of winter. I had unplugged all my heated waterers and replaced several of the bowls with other waterers. Now it's a matter of breaking ice all the time. Good grief!!! I'm also very ready for the utility bills to go down. It's really hard to stay positive in these conditions.
Yeah this weather is the pits! I had taken out all of my heated waterers in my pens & heated buckets for the sheep & goats. I just have to hope it doesn't freeze hard enough to break my buckets. I thought it was supposed to be spring.
just the crazy weather of the Midwest with today being a high of 65 and tomorrow 2-4 inches of snow expected. Then a nasty weekend however turns to rain on Mon then Sun on Tues and by Wed through the end of April high 60s so we will get there ladies we just gotta hang on through this weekend
At least they lowered the snow chance and Sunday to fewer inches. I got the rest of my outdoor birds dipped today so every one should be ready for spring for a while. I am so tired though and still have a few chores to get done.
I got my first group of Bresse today. I am really excited about these birds. I will have three separate breeding lines in them so I should have some great genetics to work with. I can't believe I am excited about a white bird.
We did get a little bit of snow/sleet here. It had been raining when I came in from doing chores & then I looked out later & the ground was white. I guess it finally got cold enough to snow a little. We just got enough to cover the ground. Hopefully it will warm up enough later today to melt it all off. I have someone coming to pick up chicks today from a couple of hours away so I hope it all straightens up.
We got a little bit of much-needed moisture a few days ago. I've been sick and feeling miserable for at least a week now (starting EAster Sunday). I am FINALLY starting to feel better! Now, of course, I'm way behind on a bunch of things, but I guess that's how it goes.

My Pyrs are thankfully past the chewing stage, or at least my male who is loose on the yard is. So sorry about the package @lizzyGSR!! My parents have a young dog (one of our pups) and she LOVES plastic water bottles and will Tear around their yard playing with it. Lol
My Pyr LOVES plastic as well. I use old ice cream buckets for lots of things around the house/yard. Apparently, they are one of Jaz's (my Pyr) favorite things to chew on! I've been finding well-chewed buckets around the yard, as well as some feed sacks. I'm not sure why she likes to chew on those, but she sure does drag them around the yard. Thankfully, she leaves the kids' toys alone and only chases the chickens when they get too close to her food bowl (silly dog!). I"m working on figuring something else out for packages that get delivered. She's now pre-chewed/pre-opened TWO boxes. One of which she chewed open despite me being gone for only 1.5 hours, and the box was NOT here when I left. :barnie Has anybody used an oblong horse water tank (one of the metal ones) to leave packages in? I"m concerned she will decide to just jump in it, get the packages and THEN chew them. I've seen deck boxes, but I'd rather not spend the money on those if I can find something cheaper.

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