Consolidated Kansas

Yes! That there thingamajiggy....I bought a really cheap one meant for a screwdriver, and I use it in my drill with adapters...I cheat.

*wanders off to find meds and coffee*
thanks guys! My DH came out and looked at it and then he showed me how to toenail it in sideways. I just have to do the other side that way, too. But it went in real nice and despite it being a bit sideways, it looks like it will hold.

ChickenDanz, yeah, I'm not going to install the window yet. I just set it down in there so I could get it measured out even in the center of that space and then I put in those bars next to it. The window is already safely back in the garage.
Thanks for the compliment on the Dinner Bell- I love it! I thought it was so adorable. I saw it on someone else's coop and asked them where they got it. I HAD to have one, too!

I've now moved on to cutting all the vertical boards... but the heat started to get the best of me, so I only got the ones under the nest box put in and screwed in. The others will have to wait 'till I cool off and drink another gallon of water..

This is 'kind' of fun. I'll enjoy stunning people when I say "i built it myself" and everyone looks at my DH like.. 'yeah, right- you did most of it, right?'. Although, I will need his help to hold the walls up while I put them in. He's been watching the kids for me and keeping them out of my hair. I have a 3 yr old, 4 yr old, and a 7yr old. The youngest two are kind of a mess.
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I had 5 kids so I can empathize. It's great your hubby is watching the kids. He must be a rare jewel.
Renee, I'm working on my meds and coffee while I write. Just can't seem to get enough of either this morning though.
Awwww, thank you so much!!! I'm just glad that my pictures are hiding the imperfections! LOL I found out yesterday when I laid down the subfloor I am out of square by about an inch! Which means, the pieces are on there a bit crazy and i had to take the SkillSaw to the ends and chop them off this morning. But I think even at that, it's still lining up as well as I can expect. I've never built anything, for sure. But I do a lot of quilting, sewing, knitting... things with my hands and having to figure out patterns, etc. I think being able to think conceptually (with fabrics) has helped me with wood. But... it's isn't over yet. And my ignorance has really slowed me down.
Oh- and I did eventually figure out that by putting the plate against the wood it was a bit better. But didn't figure that out until my hands were really hurting.

the coolest thing about chickens - is that they arent going to be in there with a level to double check your work - if its basically sound but not exactly perfect - they will still love you lol
Awwww, thank you so much!!! I'm just glad that my pictures are hiding the imperfections! LOL I found out yesterday when I laid down the subfloor I am out of square by about an inch! Which means, the pieces are on there a bit crazy and i had to take the SkillSaw to the ends and chop them off this morning. But I think even at that, it's still lining up as well as I can expect. I've never built anything, for sure. But I do a lot of quilting, sewing, knitting... things with my hands and having to figure out patterns, etc. I think being able to think conceptually (with fabrics) has helped me with wood. But... it's isn't over yet. And my ignorance has really slowed me down.
Oh- and I did eventually figure out that by putting the plate against the wood it was a bit better. But didn't figure that out until my hands were really hurting.

the coolest thing about chickens - is that they arent going to be in there with a level to double check your work - if its basically sound but not exactly perfect - they will still love you lol

Thank you! although, I'm still trying my best to make it as perfect as I can. I am horrible with math, etc, and I'm using one of those tape measurers for Dummies that have every single line read out for me in red. I'm a bit bummed now- it's already 95 degrees and the sun shining is HOT. I was soooo hoping to have ONE wall done this morning! But I'm miserable out there.
The sooner I get this done, the sooner my turkey has a 'real' home where I won't have to worry about the dogs that come up during the day. Even though my chicks don't come until October, I'm still on a time crunch so my turkey can get out of his 4X4 square temporary pen.
oh! it's on my "View My BYC Page" link under my Profile picture!

You did an awesome job on that dinner bell Hawkeye. Did you get it from here? Seems very inexpensive. I was expecting more.

Did you use enamel paint on that?

Edit for spelling. Blaming the heat on that.
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oh! it's on my "View My BYC Page" link under my Profile picture!

You did an awesome job on that dinner bell Hawkeye. Did you get it from here? Seems very inexpensive. I was expecting more.

Did you use enamel paint on that?

Edit for spelling. Blaming the heat on that.

Yep! That is where I bought it! Isn't it cheap!? Great deal, I thought! I used acrylic paint and I'm going to put clear laquer over it to protect it from the elements.
I already made my walls 6 foot- I thought about it and it would give me a bit more room for both the windows, doors, etc. I was getting kind of squeezed on space. OH and I found a great set of pictures that showed the boxes being framed out of 2X4's and I'm going to do it that way.

GeoKan- thanks for your input on wrapping it in tarpaper. I'd rather be overkill than be regretting a rotting box.

Renee- thanks for the link. I actually read that a couple of days ago when I was browsing your articles. I love your writing!

This is what I have accomplished this morning. I have more pics on my BYC Page, but this is the general idea, here. I still haven't cut the vertical boards to support the long horizontal boards. But it's getting there. It's taking a lot longer than I thought! I figured one wall would be done and over with. HA. I love how I continue to over estimate my own abilities. I have had to re-cut boards, re-do spaces... and of course, the morning would not be complete without dropping a nice heavy 2X4 on my foot. I now have a bruise and a bit of a limp.
Anyway, not to worry I am listening to you all and trying to incorporate your ideas and take your advice to heart. I appreciate all your advice!! Right now I am stuck. I need to screw in a board that is too tight for my drill. So I'm not sure what to do. I'm going to ask my DH what he thinks.

There is an adapter you can get to make a bend- I don't remember what it's called. You can have the drill facing one way and drill a totally different angle. Someone help me out ADD meds or coffee yet today...

Looks like you may get to get a new tool.

You can buy a tool or an adapter

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