Consolidated Kansas


My little black rosecomb pullet that was working on her housekeeping a few days ago finally laid her first egg today. She is such a little sweetie!

I'm getting a few eggs saved to put in the incubator this week. I've read where you shouldn't hatch the first eggs from a pullet. I don't know why, but that's what I've read. Anybody know why? Anybody have any experience with hatching a pullets first eggs? If so, how did the chicks turn out? Were they healthy?

I'm considering hatching this pullets first eggs, simply because she is the only rosecomb pullet I have and she is pretty nice. If I would happen to loose her for some unforseen reason, I wouldn't have any more. Well, Checoukan has some of the best black rosecombs around, and if I played "nice" with my sister maybe I could talk her out of some chicks.... but maybe not. They are kind of her "project" right now.
I hope it's not bad to incubate their first pullet eggs... I was sure going to incubate mine! LOL (when ever they happen!) Anyway, CONGRATS on your brand new egg-layer! So exciting that she's laying! Do you mark them and date them so you know who they came from and when they were laid??
Hawkeye, I have the same problem with dreary, rainy days too. I had a really hard time motivating myself to do much of anything. That's why I hate winter so much, I was born under a sun sign & I love the sunny days. Yesterday was unseasonably warm here, in the 60s, weird but I enjoyed it & took the opportunity to get some things done outside. Yay that your little Polish is doing so much better! I think I'm pretty much done with Christmas shopping too unless I see that I need more for the stockings, I really haven't looked to see yet if I have enough for the grand kid's stockings. We did the major shopping for them on Black Friday. DH & I aren't getting much this year other than our puppies since that ended up being our Christmas this year. That's OK, they're very worth it!

IVY, congrats on your first egg! I love seeing those little pullet eggs, I've been getting some of those here too.

Dancing, well welcome to the KS thread anyway, we're always glad to see people join us.
Congrats on the first eggs Ivywoods. Welcome to all of the new members.We are glad to have you here. Sorry to hear about all the sick birds.Hope all is doing well and on the road to a speedy recovery.

Does anyone know where I can find 55 gallon drum with lids in NE Kansas or NW Missouri?All I have been able to locate is those without lids.

I will also be looking for chicks or hatching eggs in the spring .Looking to expand on my flock and add color to the egg basket.
Hi BamaProud!
Long time no-see! How are the birds doing? There is a place in Falls city on 73 Highway that sells the plastic drums. It's the place on the west side of the road that has auctions on Thursday nights. Last I knew they were getting about $15. apiece for them. It's been a while, but I think they still have some. I think the name of the place is Cummings Auction House, or something like that.

If you want colorful eggs, I've got some great ones. Ameraucana and black copper marans. I'm going to start hatching soon. I used to have some buff orpingtons. The egg they laid was "almost" pinkish. It made a good contrast with the others. I don't have any of them anymore, but they usually aren't too hard to find.
Well Ivy this is what I've found with pullet eggs. The first few are rarely fertile. The eggs are smaller so it is harder for a chick to develop normally and have a good air sack in the egg. It takes the pullet a few tries to get it right. You know when you have those odd patterns on the shells or a curly cue on the end, or eggs that aren't solid looking? Anyway I've incubated some new pullet eggs and if I'm lucky I will get 30% out of them. But if you have the time and space why not? It only takes a couple of weeks of laying before eggs seem to develop normally.
Did you get out and look for a computer fan? I was thinking I might have another one somewhere but I'd have to look. Lord knows where I've put it.
Hawkeye I never told my kids there was a Santa Claus. I remember how traumatic it was in kindergarten when my sister told me he didn't exist. Why put a kid through that??? My children knew Christmas was about baby Jesus and it is every bit as good a story as Santa Claus. Yes they heard about Santa Claus but it was like all the other story books. Like when pigs and chickens talk to each other etc etc. They knew it was just a story. When strangers would ask if they were ready for Santa Claus my little boys would just look at people funny. Like,
"Don't you know that is just a story?" So if MIL is pushing it just tell the kids it's just a story someone wrote.
I always like the Peanuts Christmas stories on TV because they always stuck with the true meaning of Christmas.
We always had stockings. The kids never thought anyone came down the chimney. They did know however as soon as they got up they could open their stockings. How many times did I hear my kids say "How come we always get underwear and tooth brushes in our stockings?"I always put small goodies in there too, but what do you do with stuff like that other than stick it in a stocking???
Oh geez! I am so not ready for Christmas but thinking about having my kids home and remembering their excitement makes me almost tear up. I sure wish I could make them as happy now as I could when they were kids.
I too am one of those people that CAN NOT handle dreary weather and no sun. The only curtains that are ever closed or exist at all in my house are in the bedrooms or the bathroom. And unless DH is working nights I open the bedroom curtains during the day.
Today was better even though it was cold, because the sun was out. I went to town and got some business taken care of, and visited my parents. My first day out alone since surgery. It felt good.
Ivywoods,the birds are doing just fine.My son said to tell you "thanks alot" .He really likes them. Keep me in mind this spring. I'm definetly interested in some of your stock.Would be a great addition to the flock. Thanks for the information on the drums.

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