Consolidated Kansas

This is Scout, my Campine.
It's not really getting dark until nearly 9pm-- my chickens are staying up later and heading in right around 9. Sounds like the girls were not thrilled with being left out. I don't even know what a Campine looks like, so I'll have to take your word that they are vocal.
Good info ABCs. I don't have any really high roosts except for rafters which the Pheonix seem to prefer. The heavier birds which most of mine are, like sitting low. It never occurred to me that would be a source of injury. Makes sense. Still chickmama I'd let her heal before putting her in with the group. A lame bird can get highly ran over pretty badly.
I knew I was asking in the right place. I'm getting all kinds of helpful suggestions to solve our problem. Thanks and I'll let everyone know how she is doing.
Chicken Danz - absolutely agree. She needs to be a quite place by herself until moving freely - just make sure she doesn't need to jump down from anything. I likened it to a human stress facture. My black orp girl wouldn't roost at night, but had to go up about 20" to the nesting box. The repetitive jumping down with all that weight from a low roost or even a low nesting box will do it.
Kansaseq- Love the dog story, they are too funny. Bone hijacking. My gang does that all the time, the other three will sit and sulk while the flat coated retriever sits with a big pile of goodies!

I am assuming that Terv is a Belgian Teruven? Fabulous dogs, I used to groom a few and they are so agile and graceful. Smart too, looks like he knows how to work you over for lunch.
I know I couldn't resist that face!

Danz- So sorry about your goobie gosling! I don't know what else it could be, have you tried posting a question over on the sebastopol thread? Maybe someone there can help? Is it any better at all, will she let you move her out to the grass and if you do does she try to walk out there? Do they have to step over something to get out, maybe she can't get up enough gusto to step out? They have a pool right? Does she swim. I am at a loss, most of the lameness in young geese is usually due to nutritional deficiencies. They say as much grass as possible and very little grain is the best bet for these guys. I wonder if she has an injury? Maybe an anti inflammatory would help? I have used metacam for dogs in my geese before for pain/inflammation. That is what my horse vet told me to do for them.

Sharol- My darn birds have been going to bed at 9:20!!! Party biddies! They love the light so late and it cools off and all the good bugs come out. That campine is beautiful but she looks like she could be noisy. It is always the little, scrappy ones that make the biggest wracket. I have a serama hen that will get going and I always have to go out and make sure something isn't killing her!\

Trish- I can't stand the heat either!! It was so hot yesterday, hopefully today will be better. Even a breeze would be nice!
Yes Josie I am sure you are right. I had never even heard of a Belgian Teruven but looked it up and it is spot on. That would explain his name as well wouldn't it?
Also the geese have a water bin they get into and she spends a lot of time in it. I guess I should go back to putting the nutridrench in the water. I was hoping that with all that new greenery to feast on she'd regulate her own diet some. She has improved a little. It is just taking longer than I thought. Is metacam something you have to get from a vet or something you could buy at a farm store?
Where's IVY? She hasn't been on here the last two days. I may have to text her if she doesn't show up soon and see if she is alright. Also haven't seen Checoukan post for quite a while. Ddi these sisters run away from home.
I really need to ask her a breeding question. I sold most of my Seramas and only kept a few. It increased the number of roosters to hens. Well I've lost two hens in two days. One of them was my tiny tiny frizzle hen.She never produced a viable egg but she was awesome. I am thinking maybe the roos are wearing them down and I need some advise on housing them so they girls don't get beat up. I really don't want to have to AI the girls to keep them healthy but I may have to pen up the boys if this happens again. There is nothing else I can find wrong with them. So does anyone know if IVY was going to be off of here a few days for something?
Scout is half the size of the other girls (Delawares, Welsumer, BO, EE's) and she bosses them all around. Scrappy is a good word for her. She lays lovely medium sized white eggs that look almost opalescent, but she lays wherever she happens to be when the urge hits her. One time she came running out of the run into the yard, squatted and dropped an egg in the middle of the driveway. The only place she doesn't lay eggs is in the nest box, and her favorite spot is on the floor in the corner by the waterer. She is my DH's favorite because of her feisty personality. She likes to be petted and held (when she WANTS to be held), too. Since I got Butch (the EE roo), she has been his second in command and is by his side a good deal of the time.

Sharol- My darn birds have been going to bed at 9:20!!! Party biddies! They love the light so late and it cools off and all the good bugs come out. That campine is beautiful but she looks like she could be noisy. It is always the little, scrappy ones that make the biggest wracket. I have a serama hen that will get going and I always have to go out and make sure something isn't killing her!\

Trish- I can't stand the heat either!! It was so hot yesterday, hopefully today will be better. Even a breeze would be nice!
Also the geese have a water bin they get into and she spends a lot of time in it. I guess I should go back to putting the nutridrench in the water. I was hoping that with all that new greenery to feast on she'd regulate her own diet some. She has improved a little. It is just taking longer than I thought. Is metacam something you have to get from a vet or something you could buy at a farm store?
Where's IVY? She hasn't been on here the last two days. I may have to text her if she doesn't show up soon and see if she is alright. Also haven't seen Checoukan post for quite a while. Ddi these sisters run away from home.
I really need to ask her a breeding question. I sold most of my Seramas and only kept a few. It increased the number of roosters to hens. Well I've lost two hens in two days. One of them was my tiny tiny frizzle hen.She never produced a viable egg but she was awesome. I am thinking maybe the roos are wearing them down and I need some advise on housing them so they girls don't get beat up. I really don't want to have to AI the girls to keep them healthy but I may have to pen up the boys if this happens again. There is nothing else I can find wrong with them. So does anyone know if IVY was going to be off of here a few days for something?
I was wondering about Ivy this AM when I posted too...She is always on here at least once a day..hope she is ok!

Metacam is from the vet. Don't know if you could get some from the vet when you go with Marshmallow? They might not be willing if they haven't seen the bird, it violates some laws.
You may have to keep doing the nutridrench for a while. It can take a couple weeks for her grazing, if she is actually doing any, to start to help her. You may have to pick her piles of grass (which is disgustingly dry right now!) and put it in front of her. My friend with the duck had to dose her duck twice daily with brewers yeast for almost two weeks before he turned around. Maybe she needs gosling PT! Will she walk with you if you take her out?

I may not be Ivy but I will tell you that serama roos don't know when to quit!! I have had to separate my boy from the ladies and he just gets rotated through their pens for a few hours each day and then put back in his own. He just mates them constantly, they don't even come down off the perches. My little hen with the prolapse has done really well so far. I think his overmating her was stressing her so bad she couldn't lay that egg and then it got stuck!
Sharol, I have a little Campine like that, I got her at Yates Center when I went to the sale there earlier this year. She is very flighty & won't go into the coop or run at all with the other chickens. She will range with them, but at night she eats cat food with the cats when I feed them & then roosts in my honeysuckle vine along the north end of my house. She won't let me get closer than about 4 feet from her. She had made my planter on the front porch her nest to lay eggs in & she lays a small almost pinkish white egg. I really think that she thinks she is a cat because she follows them every time they get fed & eats the cat food. She flies up on top of the run sometimes & sits up there & cackles at all of the other chickens. She acts like she would like to come into the run in the evening & get a treat, but she just won't do it. I finally gave up on even trying to get her in there, so she is just my wild chicken that runs loose. She is really good at running & knows where to run & hide, so she is pretty smart.

It's already 91 degrees here now, it has surpassed what they had predicted for the high, ugh I hate it that it's getting so hot now. I have to wait until almost dark to go out & do things because at least it cools down some, but the humidity has been so high it's just horrible. I have to go out this evening & get that turkey pen done one way or the other because those poor things are just so crowded & the brooder is a mess. I can't even keep up with them to keep clean litter in there, they sure are poopy birds. I have been weaning them off the heat lamp, I sure can't see why when it's so hot that they would need one now. I don't even have the lamp on for the chicks in the brooder today, they were spread out clear to the other end of the box. I have someone coming tomorrow to get 6 more Ameraucana chicks & then I have another person wanting 6 more. I have 3 more eggs that go into the hatcher today.

I have another set of 4 peacock eggs coming in the mail probably tomorrow. The person who sent them to me said they should lay on their side & be turned manually. Has anybody who has hatched peacock eggs heard this before? I have the other set in the incubator in a bigger egg holder being turned just like the chicken eggs, that is what I had read before to do. This is the first time I had heard these other instructions. They said the peacocks have more trouble getting stuck in the shell & the auto turners don't keep it from happening.
I've heard that before Trish but all they are doing is duplicating what nature does. I've read the best way to hatch them is under a broody hen. I am having trouble imagining one of my hens sitting on those huge eggs. I've had them sit on duck eggs before but they didn't hatch. I think your incubator and turner are just fine. People hatch them like that all the time. I have a total of 8 peacock eggs coming soon and I plan to incubate them. If they weren't so expensive I'd let a broody try but that is pretty risky.
I got my outdoor button quail cages finished and got them moved. They are a little freaky cause they have never been outside. They've spent their life in my basement. I had a lone male who killed a couple of females so I just stuck him in with the white doves. He hasn't moved an inch since I put him in there. Scared to death.
I see Ivy posted on chicken chatter. Maybe she just hasn't gotten here yet. Come on Ivy... I need you.
Josie I just sold 50 Seramas and I had a ratio of about 1-6 with roosters and hens. Now since I sold them and two of the hens died it is about 4-6. I have a couple young ones that aren't old enough to breed yet which could even up the numbers a little but for now there are too many boys. I only kept the ones I wanted to breed with. Maybe I should have sold them all.
I had to get a load of feed today but I think I'll wait until evening to shovel it. I need to get back out there.
Just came in to get the camera. It's not painted or finished in any way but here is my button quail cage thing: Yes those are clothes pins I used to hold the doors shut. I tilted the roof which you can't see so it will hopefully drain beyond the back of the pen.
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