Consolidated Kansas

The more I read, the more I think a dog is not for me. Seems GPs bark a lot.. that would be something I'd get tired of quickly. I think I'll invest my energy, money and time into other things rather than a dog. I did read that scarecrows help with coyotes too.. maybe I can put a few in the chicken pen - read about electric fencing but worry about the kitties.
sunflowerparrot~~GP's do bark, but don't compare them to a say a smal house dog, or even just a back yard pet like a cocker. A GP's bark is not a yippy-yappy bark. It usually is a low toned bark used with force behind it. Like I am here, and you are not welcome. GP's don't just bark to bark. It is done with a reason. They do bark at night when the need is there, but at nightis when they patrole.
Sure there are always dogs that are never given the chance to be what they were bred for, and they might bark alot, I don't know, but to say all GP's bark alot, I think someone is misleading you.
Sunflower parrot since you have land how about a donkey? The are known to stomp coyotes. Won't help with other predators but certainly will keep dogs, coyotes and foxes away. Lots of people run them with their goats and their llamas just for that purpose. Yes GPs bark a lot at night. That is their way of warning the predators to stay away.
Well all the fair excitement is going on. Good luck everyone with what you have entered.
I lost one of my new little lemon cuckoos during the night. No reason. Maybe just failure to thrive. They have the perfect conditions set up in here and all was well. I noticed this one hadn't grown as much as the others so maybe it just wasn't eating or drinking well. They are still so young yet. I sure hope this is the only one I loose. I'd still be happy. I guess I'll double check the rest today and make sure they are all eating and drinking properly. They are going through plenty of food so they should be.
I need to run to get a load of feed today and I also have to go to Topeka to get my new dozen of Lavender Orp eggs. I sure hope I can have a good hatch this time and not end up with all roosters.
If you aren't comfortable with a dog, that is surely the right decision. There are too many GP's out there needing homes because people got them without thinking through the decision. Adopting any animal (including chickens) is a commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly. I applaud you considering other options if a GP isn't right for you.
The more I read, the more I think a dog is not for me. Seems GPs bark a lot.. that would be something I'd get tired of quickly. I think I'll invest my energy, money and time into other things rather than a dog. I did read that scarecrows help with coyotes too.. maybe I can put a few in the chicken pen - read about electric fencing but worry about the kitties.
If you aren't comfortable with a dog, that is surely the right decision. There are too many GP's out there needing homes because people got them without thinking through the decision. Adopting any animal (including chickens) is a commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly. I applaud you considering other options if a GP isn't right for you.
Yes, I totally agree. I think perhaps your very best protection is a predator-proof coop. If you have poultry and nothing to protect them when they free range, you WILL loose birds to predators. Do right by your birds and provide them with safety and security. All it takes is one raccoon and your whole flock could be massacred. If you have a fear of dogs, I wonder if a GP would be right for you. They can be down right intimidating. I'm not afraid of dogs, but having two of my big dogs cirle me in the dark when coming in from hunting definitely gets my attention. "Buddy.... It's me! Yooohooo... Buddy...... It's only me.... gulp." Once they know who that person is walking out of the woods they are all fine and happy and tail waggely. Until they know, it's serious business to them.

Hawkey-yes, the venison was from one of the deer I shot. It was delicious.

This morning I made breakfast fajitas with some sausage I made. No, I didn't raise or shoot the pig, but I did grind and season the sausage and it was good! I got word that we had ordered in WAY too much boneless pork loin at work. Rather than let it get old or re-freeze it they marked it down to $1 per pound. I bought 55 lbs. I made a couple pork loin roasts and ground the rest into sausage. I love breakfast sausage. I could eat it every day.
Howdey all! Someone asked for our to-do lists: Mine is almost done, but so far today I've accomplished a lot in this heat!
- I cleaned out the coop and in the inner run & relocated the stinky fly traps and hung up vanilla trees all around the coops. (I'm afraid my neighbors are going to be more upset about the fly population I'm attracting versus the chicken and duck noises - but yet maybe they don't have flies at their place since they are all coming to ours!
- I created a second nest box out of my kitties old litter box. Finally decided that I didn't need it around since our one cat left only uses "hers".
- Got lots of gardening picked. I'm jealous as to who got peppers big enough to eat stuffed peppers. My peppers are about the size of a lemon. They aren't growing well at all. The tomatoes however - I'm getting about 30 cherry tomatoes a day! I'm starting to give them away at work because there is only so much salsa you can make! LOL
- I got some homework done and going to start on dinner here in a few. We are having beef and barley soup. The chooks love these leftovers!

Got another egg today - in the nest box! I still can't figure out whose doing it. I've been watching that coop like a hawk and I sware that It turned by back for 30 minutes and someone had gone in there and laid! I've decided to blow out the first egg I got and make a christmas ornament out of it.

Stay cool everyone. Gonna be another hot week! My DH is going to an outdoor concert all day on Tuesday and I don't envy him at all!
Sounds like you got a lot done. We have had the flies really bad here, too. We bought some DE and I have been keeping up on cleaning things out and that alone has cut the population by more than half. We also put up fly tape. But even at that, they are bad this year! I don't remember having this problem last year! They have been eating up the horses too. I've had to spray them down every evening.

Wow - thank you EVERYONE for all your responses and information about dogs :) So much information.. you guys are awesome :)

Tish and HeChicken - honestly, I'd be afraid of a fullgrown dog I'd not have grown up with. I've had dogs in the past as puppies (smaller/medium breeds), I do know a little about the whole puppy drama :) Come August 1st, I will be home fulltime (YAY for retirement!!) and will have the time to work with a puppy. I'm also going to enroll in classes in Wichita for some basic training and obedience. There is a lady I've been talking with in Hutch today who has a GP mix with Anatolian puppy (born in April). I don't know what she's asking yet; I've just been talking a lot to her on the phone about behaviors, training, etc. At this time, the puppy is with goats. I'm going to proceed with caution. I want to do this right for me, my flock/etc. and for the pup.

I'm so glad I came over here to this community - anyone from Winfield or Oxford?
We have someone in Winfield. I went to HS in Belle Plaine-- right close to Oxford. I'm now between Mulvane and Clearwater, so down that way.

I spent most of my afternoon resting. I put my tens unit on my neck and got rid of a ridiculous head ache and took a nice long nap. Then I went out and cleaned the brooder. I lost some guineas today. They just got too hot.
I need to contact the guy who was supposed to come get 50 of them. If he isn't going to show I am going to get them sold elsewhere.
So sorry about your guineas, Danz! That is terrible. This summer hasn't been much better than last summer.

Hawkeye, I'd just sew a patch over it if/when passing on. The kids have patches from their breed clubs and the APA/ABA Youth. They're all the circle kind that would cover a name, no problem. There are probably 4-H ones you could get too.
I think that will be my plan! I hadn't really thought about passing on the coat to my younger kids... ah well, I think it will be an easy fix.

Hawkeye~~~ I bought lab coats off of ebay. They do not have anything on them but pockets. Most of the kids don't have a lab coat, so as one comes out of showmanship, the coat comes off and goes on the next one walking in. I have two sizes and works really well. One is a waist coat and the other one is long.

We do showmanship first thing in the morning, so the kids are free to go take care of other animals or what ever. The poultry barn is closed so the judge can work. Im not sure, but I think we have at least 15 signed up for showmanship.

Got everything ready to go. All told I think we only have 5 empty coops but we do have several pens doubled up, I allowed one of the committee to assign coops, so I will make the call and move tags before birds come in and make sure all the pens have a bird in it. It will be to hot to double birds up.

So I got my seat belt on tight and ready for the ride. Gonna be hot this week, pray for all the animals out there in this heat.
I think we will change around when we do the Showmanship like what you do. If it's done first thing in the morning, then perhaps it will be before the sheep/goats are shown. That is where we are running into trouble (this year). And in years past, she said that their activities are at the same time, and so the poultry thing isn't something they consider. It's a shame. I think we need to do a Showmanship clinic this year, too so that kids will have some idea of what they need to do. We could probably do it with a stuffed bird at the 4-H building. Definitely too hot to double up on birds. I hope they do okay for you. We had two deaths.

Hawkey-yes, the venison was from one of the deer I shot. It was delicious.

This morning I made breakfast fajitas with some sausage I made. No, I didn't raise or shoot the pig, but I did grind and season the sausage and it was good! I got word that we had ordered in WAY too much boneless pork loin at work. Rather than let it get old or re-freeze it they marked it down to $1 per pound. I bought 55 lbs. I made a couple pork loin roasts and ground the rest into sausage. I love breakfast sausage. I could eat it every day.
Nice! Glad the venison was good! So funny about the pork! Wow, I sure wish our Walmart would make that mistake! I'd buy a ton of it, too!! I don't have any way to grind it down, though. But i love breakfast sausage, too. :)
HEChicken - What styles of beer do you make? I am all over the board on styles. I like them all. The only reason I brew so large of a batch is because I brew with two other guys. Then we split the 12 gallons three ways. Let me know if you ever want to try some home grown hops. I have a ton of them from last year's harvest. Just let me know.

In other news I think out of the 5 Marans I have I am now guessing 4 for them are boys. My reasons, the 4 birds are larger than one, the 4 are all starting to get spurs and one of the 4 is definitely showing some red tint in the comb. The 5th Marans is small and has none of those signs. I am approaching week 3 or 4 this week. As more feathers come in I will know. I think this is a neat game of trying to figure it out. It will be interesting to see how close I come to being correct.
Rob I'll bet my son would be interested in trying some of your home grown hops. He is in Olathe as well. I think I gave you his contact info once before. He is a serious brewer. Personally I don't know how any one can stand to drink beer, but those that love it do love it. Kind of like scotch. You either love it or hate it.
I can't believe all those chicks would turn out to be roos. I may have a few more chicks around I've hatched since then. If I happen to have some girls they are yours if you come get them. I hav hatched so many barnyard kids lately I have no idea what I have.
Sunflower if you get a pulsing electric fence the cats should be fine. They are stronger than the chickens are. You never want a fence charger that runs continuous because it can draw the livestock into the fence and fry them. You also don't need something that puts out a huge amount of voltage either.
I would love to score some pork at that price. I like just ground pork. It makes the best burgers on the frill. There isn't a beef burger that can beat them. I never eat sausage. The seasonings and I don't get along. But I love pork in general. I've been looking for a feeder pig for months so I could raise my own just to have the pork.
Rob I'll bet my son would be interested in trying some of your home grown hops. He is in Olathe as well. I think I gave you his contact info once before. He is a serious brewer. Personally I don't know how any one can stand to drink beer, but those that love it do love it. Kind of like scotch. You either love it or hate it.
I can't believe all those chicks would turn out to be roos. I may have a few more chicks around I've hatched since then. If I happen to have some girls they are yours if you come get them. I hav hatched so many barnyard kids lately I have no idea what I have.
Sunflower if you get a pulsing electric fence the cats should be fine. They are stronger than the chickens are. You never want a fence charger that runs continuous because it can draw the livestock into the fence and fry them. You also don't need something that puts out a huge amount of voltage either.
I would love to score some pork at that price. I like just ground pork. It makes the best burgers on the frill. There isn't a beef burger that can beat them. I never eat sausage. The seasonings and I don't get along. But I love pork in general. I've been looking for a feeder pig for months so I could raise my own just to have the pork.

Danz - You may have an I just don't remember. PM me his contact info again and I will contact him. On the chicks, I will get the good camera out and snap some pics today. I will show everyone what I am seeing. Of course in a couple more weeks I should know for sure. ;)
The more I read, the more I think a dog is not for me. Seems GPs bark a lot.. that would be something I'd get tired of quickly. I think I'll invest my energy, money and time into other things rather than a dog. I did read that scarecrows help with coyotes too.. maybe I can put a few in the chicken pen - read about electric fencing but worry about the kitties.
The thought of that was off-putting to me too, to be honest. At my old house, my next door neighbors left their dogs out day/night in a small, enclosed backyard, and the poor things were bored senseless and barked all the time. It got very old to try to sleep at night with them sitting just feet from my bedroom window, barking throughout the night. So when I heard that GP's bark a lot at night, I wasn't that excited. My experience though has been that I rarely hear my dog, and when she does bark, I know she is barking AT something, not barking just to bark. Also, as someone else said, it is a deep, forceful bark, not a high-pitched yappy, just-want-to-hear-the-sound-of-my-voice bark. I actually find it comforting to hear her barking, which I know sounds strange and is unexpected to me, but when I hear her bark, I know "Tory is on the job" and I can go back to sleep without having to worry about waking to carnage in the morning.

Last evening, DH and I were outside, working, when we heard Tory barking from some distance. I went to investigate and found her trying to run off a strange dog. Some neighbors told me about this dog that they've seen a few times but they don't know where it came from. They said it has a collar but they can't get close because it runs off. They're not sure if its a stray dog that was dumped here, or does have a home and is wandering a long way. Anyway, it had come to visit my neighbors last night, and Tory was there, not allowing it access to our property. This dog is enormous - seeing him standing close to Tory, they were the same size and Tory is a big dog. So it wasn't that willing to be run off by her but she didn't give up. She made it slowly retreat, and then the neighbors horses cantered up to see what was going on and it took off. Tory seemed very satisfied with a job well done and trotted over to me, glancing over her shoulder from time to time to make sure it was staying away.

If you aren't comfortable with a dog, that is surely the right decision. There are too many GP's out there needing homes because people got them without thinking through the decision. Adopting any animal (including chickens) is a commitment that shouldn't be taken lightly. I applaud you considering other options if a GP isn't right for you.
x2. What works for one person isn't always a great solution for another. I really hate seeing people get pets on impulse and then when it doesn't work out, treating them like they are disposable. I would much rather see someone like yourself put a lot of thought and research into it beforehand, to make sure it is a good decision, before jumping in. As others have said, an LGD is not the only predator solution.

HEChicken - What styles of beer do you make? I am all over the board on styles. I like them all. The only reason I brew so large of a batch is because I brew with two other guys. Then we split the 12 gallons three ways. Let me know if you ever want to try some home grown hops. I have a ton of them from last year's harvest. Just let me know.

In other news I think out of the 5 Marans I have I am now guessing 4 for them are boys. My reasons, the 4 birds are larger than one, the 4 are all starting to get spurs and one of the 4 is definitely showing some red tint in the comb. The 5th Marans is small and has none of those signs. I am approaching week 3 or 4 this week. As more feathers come in I will know. I think this is a neat game of trying to figure it out. It will be interesting to see how close I come to being correct.
I like a good wheat beer but I'll try about anything. DH likes the dark beers and I'm thinking about trying a stout next, although it might be better to save that for the warmer months. Thanks for the offer on the hops. So far I haven't tried any full grain brews, sticking instead to the kits
When I read about the process for doing a full-grain brew, it seemed very labor and time intensive, so I haven't done it yet, although it is on my bucket list to learn it one day.

So sorry about the Marans. Are they Black Copper Marans or another variety? If BCM, the girls will only have copper coloring around the neck area. If you start to see color developing in the wings, they are boys.

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