Cooked my first rooster

First of all, congrats on butchering your first rooster. I did that last year with my 6 year old grand daughter. I used a rolled up piece of cardboard to make a redneck duct taped cone. I cut his throat. Then we held hands and said a prayer thanking the rooster for giving up his life so that we could eat. I fried her "Rooster Nuggets"
and she said mine were better than McDonalds! But I really like to make Rooster Salad, it's yummy!


Boil (simmer) one dead rooster, preferably cleaned, all afternoon until meat falls from bone.

Debone the meat, toss bones to dogs that are drooling all over the kitchen floor, watching your every move with intent stare.

Cut the meat into bite size pieces, or for ya'll that barely chew and wolf it down like the dogs do, half bite size pieces.

Chop 2 stalks of celery.

1/2 cup chopped pecans or your favorite nuts.

1/2 pound seedless grapes, cut in half.

A glop or two of mayonaise, just enough to hold it all together.

Chill and serve.

Awesome with crackers!

Amazing!! I did the very same thing this week. Only thing is, my chicks are not here yet so had to do store bought. Bet yours tasted better. Mine wasn't bad. Looking forward to doing same recipe with my own birds.
yup, that is how my daddy said to do it. I personally have not tried yet. Very new to raisen chickens. But......I do have plans for some fresh chickens, next year.
We dispatched two roosters today. I let my buddy do the first one because he's never done it before. I guess my knife dulled, and it was horrible to watch. The second one I just did some neck wringing. Less mess, no flopping bird, and easy.

Coq au vin Sunday!
i remember cooking my chicken, it was a Kabir hen. That hen cleaned up her feeder good and for the reason of fear of some major disease might put her downn, i decided to have her under the knife. i've felt my heart ache and i felt that feeling whenever i put down any pet chicken i have. kinda feeling heart broken but you have to let it go. Maybe someday i'll see all my pets in heaven.
... I cut his throat to let him bleed, but I found out my knives are not sharp enough.
Go to your kitchen and select a knife you like.

Now find a plate or a coffee cup that has a fine feel on the un-glazed rim on the bottom. The cup or plate that is made from the white ceramic works better than the stoneware with the brown clay. This is a ceramic material that works very well at sharpening a knife.

What you do is lay the blade flat against the rim and lift the back edge of the knife about 3/8 inch and with only a light pressure start at the hilt side of the cutting edge and stroke the blade 3 or 4 strokes then turn the knife over and repeat on the other side.


You want to choose a section of the rim that does not have a bumpy surface or chips, and the sharp edge should advance with the stroke. What happen here is the very sharp and hard ceramic crystals are scraping the steel and creating little curls of metal like you would see on a piece of wood scraped against the side walk. The difference is that you need a microscope to see the little fuzzy bits on the steel. If you draw those little fuzzy bits to the edge rater than away from the edge they tend to fold over and then your knife is dull.

Another thing to keep in the front of your mind is to keep your fingers (and other parts of your body) out of the way of the knife edge. Assume that the blade is going to slip and you will avoid cutting yourself.

Using this method you can bring your knife to a razor sharp edge. The only difference between a good knife and a cheap knife is the resistance of the blade to dull when it hits the cutting board or the bone.

A dull knife is not only uncomfortable to the chicken, but is also much more likely to cause injury to you when cutting up the bird. My sister stabbed herself while cutting up a chicken and ended up in the hospital on an IV. the doc said that if she had waited a day or so longer she could have lost her arm or worse.

If you get one of these:

It will do the same thing as the coffee cup but a lot faster.

Often your local butcher will be happy to give you a lesson in knife sharpening if my tutorial didn't help.
Rather than using kitchen dishes it is easy to do a quick search for crock sticks knife sharpener. It is a block which holds 2 ceramic sticks at an angle. You lightly stroke your blade along them one side then the other. It puts a very good edge on the knife. If the knife is too dull to start you will need a coarser sharpener to start with like a whet stone
I swear by my Ulu knives. I have 4 of them. They hold a edge beautifully, and because of the way they are made they are so comfortable. Takes less force to cut because your hands are over the blades, not 3 or 4 inches down. The points are sharp and get in amazingly close for skinning. I'd be lost without them!
I swear by my Ulu knives. I have 4 of them. They hold a edge beautifully, and because of the way they are made they are so comfortable. Takes less force to cut because your hands are over the blades, not 3 or 4 inches down. The points are sharp and get in amazingly close for skinning. I'd be lost without them!

Blooie, I've never heard of Ulu knives. So I looked them up on Amazon. THIS is what you use skinning? I'm rather clumsy with knives. Easier than others? Hmmmmm
Blooie, I've never heard of Ulu knives. So I looked them up on Amazon. THIS is what you use skinning? I'm rather clumsy with knives. Easier than others? Hmmmmm
Absolutely! The native Alaskans have used them for generations, and if they'll work to skin a seal, fillet fish, or butcher a whale they'll doggone sure work on a chicken.
They are incredibly safe because all your cutting is being done at the point where your hand provides the most strength and torque. It took me all of 30 seconds the first time I tried one to be sold, and I've never looked back. I can mince garlic and herbs super fine with it, cut up an apple for the grandkids, and skin a deer. What more can you ask of a knife?

Try this. Get a pen or a pencil. Now hold it by the very top and write your name. Got it? Okay, now hold it where the normal grip is, close to the writing tip and write your name again. Which looks better? Which is easier to control? See? Simple physics.
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"Rather than using kitchen dishes it is easy to do a quick search for crock sticks knife sharpener..."
I agree that there are a whole lot of tools that will sharpen a knife easier than using a dish or a coffee cup. I was only suggesting the dishes as a solution to the dull knife problem as it is cheap and it is right there in every kitchen when that ripe tomato needs slicing or a bird needs to be processed.

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