coop bedding- what do you prefer??

I use pine needles because they're free (I get them from my backyard pine trees) and they make the coop smell kind of good and they provide plenty of coverage and "cushiness."
I use pine needles because they're free (I get them from my backyard pine trees) and they make the coop smell kind of good and they provide plenty of coverage and "cushiness."

I never thought of that before. I've got a lot of different pines growing out back of my house (white, scotch, etc). Do you know if they're all okay to be used for chickens? I know cedar isn't recommended bc of the oils, but I know nothing about pine types. I'd love to be able to add some of the needles from out back into my coop.
Mint is invasive in NC,I threw some in what is now my chicken run,It is scattered around and moving throughout the run.
I tried containing both spearmint and peppermint in herb garden,have figured out that mint like chickens pretty much goes where it feels the inspiration takes it !.
I tend to look at my chickens and dogs like adventure to enjoy!.
I giggle and get frustrated, cry and laugh,wait in very vocal anticipation for my Dixie Chick run to finish so the noisy critters can join my excentric and eclectric family!..
One mint scrap will yeild more mint then you want.
Among the benifiets...stops moles,raccoons and Opposum.
Mint stops raccoons? ? Im in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Coons are everywhere.

It's supposed to deter them (along with mice). I've read where a lot of people mix dried mint in with the bedding in their coops, or do mint-infusions and spray around the coop.

Don't plant mint if you've got a stray cat problem, though. Cats love the stuff (catnip is in the mint family).

Mint is also highly invasive, so if you do plant then put it in a container. Otherwise it sends out runners and you'll have mint popping up all over the place.
I never thought of that before. I've got a lot of different pines growing out back of my house (white, scotch, etc). Do you know if they're all okay to be used for chickens? I know cedar isn't recommended bc of the oils, but I know nothing about pine types. I'd love to be able to add some of the needles from out back into my coop.

Yea far as I know its all fine.
I'm in NE North Carolina,I do not grow catnip,I grow peppermint and spearmint.I have both growing in chicken run and herb garden.Yes peppermint for sure deters Raccoons.Yes it is invasive,but also deters moles from yard and garden.If in container you have to be sure to not let roots touch ground !.You can also use peppermint extract,(essential oil),on cotton balls and place around.I perfer the actual plants. My run smells sweet and I am sure Dixie Chicks will enjoy.

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