It's a little tight, ideally it should be bigger but it might work if the chickens get along well. And if you don't add any more. The shape is what's challenging - the various areas are all so narrow. There doesn't seem to be one big open space anywhere. It would be hard for chickens to pass each other in those corridors if they don't get along well. A victim chicken would be within pecking distance of a bully chicken if it tried to pass it to get to the other side. Even brood-mates can bully each other, depending on temperaments, breeds, or if one is injured. Often times they'll leave each other alone if they have enough space to stay far away from each other. But if one gets too close, the mere proximity might provoke an attack. I'm watching this unfold with my young pullets that I recently incorporated with the flock. The hens leave them alone, unless one gets too close (and by too close I mean within 2 feet or so). Then the hen would sometimes try to peck it, for no obvious reason other than because it got too close. So if you have more dominant and more submissive chicks from the brood, once they grow up and start getting bitchy about things I can see how one might try to get to the food or water, but not have enough room to walk around a more dominant hen with enough space between them, and get harassed for coming too close.
It's a convenient use of space, along the edges of your patio, but keep in mind that there might be drama.
It's a convenient use of space, along the edges of your patio, but keep in mind that there might be drama.