Coop size for 17 chickens

Fluff Queen

Feb 26, 2024
Last year I built a coop that is 6x4 ft with an attached run that’s 8x6 ft to house my 10 chickens. This year I bought 7 more chickens and will be expanding both the coop and run in order to give them plenty of space. I was thinking that I would make it so the coop would be 12x4 ft and the run would be 12x8 ft. Will this be enough room for all of them or should I make it bigger?
The general rule of thumb is 4sq feet interior per bird and 16sq ft exterior. If they have access to outside space regularly you can reduce it a little.
Not unless they’re bantam breeds. A coop 12X6 should work, the run should be close to 170 sq ft.
The 7 chicks are all bantams and The older 10 are all standard so would this be fine or should I still make it 12x6? They also have access to a much larger fenced in area that they go in during the day.
The 7 chicks are all bantams and The older 10 are all standard so would this be fine or should I still make it 12x6? They also have access to a much larger fenced in area that they go in during the day.
I’d still go with 12X6, and although they free range there will need to have access to a covered run for times they can’t go out.

Mine have a covered run that could be larger, I had to round them up today because there was a massive hawk circling our yard looking for a chicken dinner ☹️
I’d still go with 12X6, and although they free range there will need to have access to a covered run for times they can’t go out.

Mine have a covered run that could be larger, I had to round them up today because there was a massive hawk circling our yard looking for a chicken dinner ☹️
what times could they not go out? Hawks get run off from my place if they even fly through , crows are my friends .
Weather for one, I have no idea where OP is. A covered run big enough for all the chickens is never a bad idea.
I am in Michigan and they will all have access to a large covered run along with a shed in their fenced in area. Thankfully, we also have many crows and have not had any problems with hawks this far.
oh I keep forgetting that people live where that nasty white cold crap falls from the sky lol
You don’t have inclement weather where you live? I’m In GA, and we have Wrath of Dog thunderstorms here. Yeah, chickens need a covered space to hang when whatever happens.

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