Copper Maran Rooster suddenly sick, very droopy


Oct 9, 2017
Hi everyone,

We have a copper maran rooster about a year old. This morning, we noticed he wouldn't leave the coop to eat, and was roosting by himself with his head drooped. We put him in a box with food and water but he is barely responsive, head dropping, eyes closed. When we pick him up, his head does this odd, slow robotic back and forth motion. We force-fed him some water with electrolytes and gave him a dose of biomycin antibiotic. We are desperate and it seems as though he doesn't have much time.

Any ideas greatly appreciated!
I'm no expert, but unless your willing to go to a Vet not much you'll be able to do besides giving him fluids and food.
I just recently lost mine which suddenly went sick and it ended up being a mold issue which attacked most of his internal organs. Only reason I know is because I had a Necropsy done. Wish you the best.
I'm no expert, but unless your willing to go to a Vet not much you'll be able to do besides giving him fluids and food.
I just recently lost mine which suddenly went sick and it ended up being a mold issue which attacked most of his internal organs. Only reason I know is because I had a Necropsy done. Wish you the best.

Thanks for your reply. Hopefully it won't come to a necropsy, but if it does, do you know roughly how much it costs and how to go about getting one done?
Pictures would help; Roo & poop
Video of his head movement; need to download to YouTube then link here.
So your Roo isn't eating/drinking, any poop?
Any new additions to your flock?
What are you feeding?
Does he free range?

You may want to update your profile with your location, helps knowing your time zone & possible weather conditions.

@casportpony @micstrachan @dawg53 @Eggcessive @aart @Ravynscroft
Thank you in advance for insight
It sounds like he either has something neurological going on to cause the neck movements or a crop impaction. I second the recommendation of a video. Offer him water with some SaveAChick electrolytes or a few drops of Poultry NutriDrnech or Poultry Cell vitamins. Do you have other roosters that may have hurt him? Was he vaccinated for Mareks as a chick? Mareks disease comes to mind, but so many other things could be possible.
Thanks for your reply. Hopefully it won't come to a necropsy, but if it does, do you know roughly how much it costs and how to go about getting one done?
I am not sure where you are located, look for your state vet diagnostic laboratory and call them and ask if they do it. If not ask where they would send you. It cost me $25 but I believe that most are approximately $100-$125. The state subsidises the test in CT. I believe so they can have an idea of what going on in the state as far as any diseases go. They do also euthanize the bird for you but you might want to ask also. If you do cull the bird or it dies on its own and you want to have a necropsy done refrigerate the bird do not freeze it. Again I hope things work out for you.
Thanks everyone. Unfortunately he died. :( he was a great rooster. I am going to look into a necropsy tomorrow.
Very sorry that you lost your rooster. I would keep his body refrigerated, and take or ship his body quickly. I think that Mareks would be possible, and that can affect your other chickens in the future.

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