Each of the two feeds you mentioned.@U_Stormcrow We're looking for options for feed -- and a foraging seed mix for a plot this Summer, also the option to make our own sprouting mix aka Edible Acres youtube videos
Do you think I could get feed from Harrell Milling in North Alabama? I can't find any "locations sold at" on their website. Also, have prices dramatically increased since you posted these in January? (Late April now.)
Local feed store / mill buys from Guntersville mill - Faithway Mills - and their 16% is 16.99 here; 22% "super layer" is 18.75/50lb.
Appreciate guidance - we're new, our 6 Rhode Island Reds are just starting to lay.
I understand we have to be careful about balance, vitamins, and I now hear the concern that chickens will pick and choose and not eat all the nutrition they need as a result. (Hadn't thought of that, don't really know chickens yet.) I try to eat whole foods myself, so I find myself concerned about all the over-processed ingredients in these mixes. (I have seen what a travesty that has caused in dogs and cats over decades.)
Hope to help by allowing foraging (protected) and sprouting. We can't free range. I realize you just said you've got guaranteed nutrition, and that's valid too. Just trying to find our way. Thanks!
[ EDIT: I came in mid-thread via the search engine, thought there were only three posts or so in this thread -- and I now realize there's a whole lot more in this thread to read. Forgive me if I've totally missed a lot. ]
"SUPER" layer will NOT make them produce more eggs like they claim.