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Other than seeming on the small side, they look really good. Plenty of feathers and everyone is up and moving around. We have a hanging feeder and they don’t seem to lay down to eat, unless you count those who get into the feeder to beat the others to the food. They also like to take flight when they coming running out of the tractor during feedings and when we move the tractor around. They love scratching through any new grass.how feathered out are they? you are in much better shape than had you started too early in the spring since as the cold is setting in, they are feathering out and maturing. what kind of waterer are you using? open waterers and CX don't mix, they really need nipple waterers, IMHO, to keep the microbes in check. if their gut gets out of whack, it adds to their stress factors. It may be time to switch focus with the feed from protein to more fat, it's a balancing act and an art. such a high protein mix tends to cause loose poops and a wasting and thirsting syndrome which tends to make everything wet because they gorge on water to make up for the loss. mix that with cold and that could cause real issues, they need to stay dry, if they are dry, they can handle cold. at this point they are probably spending most of their time sitting so keep raising the food and water to encourage them to get up off the cold ground. I'd put down straw or something to get them off the cold ground so they can rest and warm up. they are hot birds, able to chow down food and crank out heat as long as they are dry and otherwise healthy and feathered out. I would worry that adding a heat lamp this late in the game could actually stress them, they are way past the time of usually needing one and are very prone to over heating. if their feathers are too matted with dirt and can't get loft and things are really getting tedious, it may be time to harvest early and have a bunch of game hens in freezer camp.