Cornish rocks not getting very big


In the Brooder
Jul 24, 2015
We bought these Cornish rocks for meat chickens around March or April I think. They are free range so we were told it would take a little longer for them to bulk up but it doesn't seem like they are getting meaty at all. Don't know what to do. I don't want the meat to get tuff for waiting to long. Any suggestions on what to do?
I don't think that's a CX....

20 weeks old, even on a restricted diet it would be well over 10lbs.

Notice how tall it is, Cornish cross are not that tall, also look at the legs even young CX have super think legs and that are shorter.

It's a pretty pullet, maybe a white rock?
When I bought them I was told they were Cornish rocks. I'm feeding them a mix of whole corn, laying pellets, and scratch. They are the only ones not getting bigger. All my other breeds are much bigger and more plump then they are.
I give them a mix of whole corn, laying pellets, and scratch multiple times a day. Plus fruit and veggie scraps.
I don't think they're getting enough protein with that diet. Layer is only 16percent, and you're just bringing that down with the scratch and corn. Try putting them on grower only and they'll gain some weight.
I don't think they're getting enough protein with that diet. Layer is only 16percent, and you're just bringing that down with the scratch and corn. Try putting them on grower only and they'll gain some weight.

Even on layer feed if that was a CX it would be the size of a small turkey. 16% is still plenty for them to gain weight, it would be slower but not that slow.

To the OP.... How much feed does it eat? If it was a CX it would live by the dish, and eat 5 times as much food as your other birds.

I still say that's not a Cornish Cross
Well honestly since my chickens are free range I don't keep food dishes out only water. And I trhow food out for them a few times a day. Do I need to buy a feeder and just allow them to eat all day? The only problem is I can't afford to feed the squirrels and other critters at the same time.

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