Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

That is very nice but Covid isn't a worm parasite. Knowing how much you should take for deworming likely doesn't have any relationship to what you should take for Covid.

And no I'm not supporting the Ivermectin for Covid concept.
A University started clinical trails, since the drug manufacturers won't. Probably not any money in repurposing an old drug
When I got sick in November, I had livestock ivermectin on hand. I didn't take any. I could just imagine messing up the dosage and making matters worse.
This is why its so important for parents to be good advocates and teach their kids to wash their hands properly. I dont have kids but I know that if I did I'd be sanitizing them right now before they entered the home. They're breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses. Every person I know who has gotten covid got it from their kids
Kids are gross…I have witness a 12 year old boy not cleaning his hands after doing his male business in the public restroom. I was mortified. Especially when I saw him at Costco food court.

I did not say anything. I just don’t want to deal with making a scene. I had my disinfectant wipes ready to wiped down the fountain drink area though. LOL
Pandemics move in a bell shaped curve. This has been known for a long time and was first discovered by dr. Farr:
Basically as variants arise they will reach their peak and then fall. The next variant maybe more contagious but a weaker strain that will have a much lower peak before decending. This will happen until the virus dies out, cures are made, or herd immunity. The numbers will always seem higher as more people get tested. Before we knew of the virus and had the tests the infection rate could very likely have been much higher. Now testing is common place so more people are getting tested. I'm citing pure science here and not conspiracy
I liked the link.

The delta version is more contagious but not more severe. With 90% of Great Britain vaccinated, shouldn't there be fewer deaths this year?
Not true, otherwise they wouldn't even know what variants are around. They just don't test all samples for the details of the variant, I gather it is pretty expensive. Treatment, at least at this point, is the same no matter what variant a person gets.
Actually as far as testing people, the pcr tests for the nucleocapsid which is the same in covid whether original or a variant.
They can send the results for further genome testing, but not all samples are sent.
So, my original statement still stands the pcr test is not showing variants. Further genome testing would. Not all samples are sent for genome testing.
There are no tests to determine if you have the original or variant at this point.
This was your original statement I replied to.

So, my original statement still stands the pcr test is not showing variants.
So if you meant this, but said that, you can see why I didn't agree.

I can agree with "the pcr test is not showing variants.".
This was your original statement I replied to.

So if you meant this, but said that, you can see why I didn't agree.

I can agree with "the pcr test is not showing variants.".
The person is not going to be tested for the variant - they are just going to be told if they are positive or negative. The sample may go through further testing as viruses such as Sars-cov-2 mutate. I could have worded that better. However, time sometimes gets the best of my posts.
The person is not going to be tested for the variant - they are just going to be told if they are positive or negative. The sample may go through further testing as viruses such as Sars-cov-2 mutate. I could have worded that better. However, time sometimes gets the best of my posts.
To be fair also a mutation is not a variant. Sars cov 2 is a mutation of sars cov. Delta is a variant of sars cov 2. When the virus mutates it will be called sars cov 3

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