Cotton Patch Geese


In the Brooder
May 14, 2024
North Alabama
Howdy y'all! On advice from a commenter from this thread, I am breaking my question up and addressing the questions about the breeds in their respective forums rather in the original conglomerate.

The goose breed I am looking at is the Cotton Patch Goose.

The ideal bird for me would be: hardy in both North Alabama hot summers and milder (but still cold) winters, excellent brooders and mothers, excellent foragers and predator-evaders, disease resistant, quiet, high layers (including throughout the year, cold and heat), trustworthy to return to the coop nightly and lay eggs in nesting boxes, not prone to wandering too far, not dumb, amiable to other flock members, amiable to me, a breed whose males defend their females well, a good source of meat and fat (for cooking), easily culled and processed by hand by one person, not prone to destroying gardens or vehicles, not prone to pooping on houses and such, and able to keep pest levels down.

Now, as noted in the original thread, some of these are essential for all birds to have to be included in the flock, but many are either preferable but not required or required only for a few breeds out of the flock to have. If you're interested in seeing which is which you can go to the original thread, but it isn't actually necessary information for this thread. Just tell me which of these criteria whichever breed(s) you have experience with passes or fails, along with any other notes, and I'll evaluate accordingly :)

The current thought process in my mind for this breed to to raise for meat and fat (for cooking grease), and to a lesser extent eggs.

Also, these guys have a sentimental place for me (due to their history is Southern farm life), so unless there's an overwhelming reason against having them, I'll probably raise them no matter what. However, advise me as if this isn't the case haha.
The no pooping anywhere specific might be a tough one, that will be more about where you locate the their water and where you toss them any treats or place food (if you're going to.)

Amiable is going to be dependent upon not only your own disposition when you're around them, and treat them as well as the sex, season and situational dynamics such as being near or taking from their nest. Geese can be very territorial birds which makes them good lookouts, but it sure seems like they do remember 'that one time you messed up'

I don't have Cotton Patch, but from what I've read they are probably a lot of what you're looking for. I have experience with Embdens and Roman Tufted, which I've crossed.

The Embdens are big birds that would satisfy a lot of your needs, but their size can be intimidating to some. But I'd say most geese are going to share a lot of common traits beyond size and vocals which are some of the more noticeable differences.

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