Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

Jchny2000, will TSC carry the Purina Gamebird food if you ask them to? I had no idea they would do that. I've been getting mine from Agri Products, and I like doing business with them, but it would be nice to know you could turn to someone else if Agri quit carrying it, or didn't have any on hand.

No, I have to order ahead
I have a standing order of 1 bag a week. If I don't use it up, I freeze it. It also works well for my mealworms, and a good boost for my turkey flock on occasion too.
Drove me crazy finding food for my quail. In the end I boosted the protien level with a blood and bone meal. Talk about chasing my tail. My farm store has to get it in specially.
So I found my feed again I have to drive a half hour each way to get it but they are worth it.

For those of you in Florida what are you doing to prep for the cold windy snap coming?

I have hay for them to snuggle into in their cages but its just so windy. I tyvec some of my parrot cages but the quail seem to panic when they can't see out. I was even thinking of using some small polar fleece blankets for them to snuggle into but I'd probably have to wash them daily. It's our wind that makes it so cold.
I'm just curious what others do. It's not like we get snow but we do go from 80 to 40 or lower and back again and I know what it does to me.
I went to Lowe's and bought some of the clear heavy duty plastic. I bought the clear, so the birds would get the light through it. Then, in an empty cage I put a heat lamp. I put that cage up against the cages with the birds, and it has helped to keep them warm. It has been a big hassle having to get to them a couple of times a day to feed and water. It's during times like this that I really want a shed...
Hello fellow quail enthusiasts! :D We're very new at this and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised that they're as much fun as chickens! And as addicting:p We currently have 20 coturnix quails (assorted colors--browns, whites, tuxedos, Tibetans, goldens) they were hatched on the week of Oct 21st. Some makes have started crowing & I was thinking of vent sexing (aside from feather sexing--wish me luck!) & separating males from females. How far should the females be from the makes so the males grouped together wouldn't fight?
Welcome to quailing! I find as long as they can't see females they are fine. I have a cage that has a solid decider and it works fine but I think everyone has their own methods.
Thanks for your quick response. I have stackable all wire cages that I plan to put them in just until my husband finishes the quail condo (he says it's impossible since I keep revising the design:D). If the boys are at the bottom & the girls on top will that be ok?
It should be. You still may have some trying to prove themselves but I've never had coturnix that did real damage to eachother. Just some scraps and lost feathers now the bob whites seem to be much more scrappy but even they can be controlled.

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