Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

I churn my oyster shell into a powder for them, figured the pieces were to big. They just got their first dust bath that was real dirt, not D.E. Had to get it from the back of the property, only place I know they wont pick up diseases from the chickens as we have a batch of free rangers.
I got some 7 week old coturnix hens that started laying this week. I usually find weird eggs with new layers and these were no exception. I got a double yolker and a zero yolker in the same cage!

L to R - Double yolk egg, normal size egg, fairy egg with no yolk.
Any thoughts on what breed this girl may be? She was gifted to me a couple of months ago and I really have no idea. I would like to get more. Any suggestions for what to get and where from? ?
As said above your bird is a coturnix. It will breed with any other coturnix no matter what color. I believe your bird may have a "dirty linage", as in she or her ancestors came from a pen with mixed colors. Breed her with the colors you like, its fun and thats what its all about..... Just know they may not breed completely true.... One roo to 4 or 5 hens will be the most trouble free grouping... If you get younger birds, she will likely always be boss. Easier to blend her with others if you move them all to a new pen for awhile till they get used to one and other.... Good luck with your birds. Bill
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If the weather there is anything like the weather at my house, they're not laying because the weather SUCKS. We haven't seen sunlight in about two weeks. Either overcast or downright swampy here.
Our weather has been overcast or very rainy. Sucks. It's like trying to walk through soup. Hopefully this nastiness will clear up... It'd be nice to get some more quail eggs.

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