Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

Well I got unsure of myself and candled one and it looked good so I put it back in and it hasn't stopped moving since. That's the only one moving though
All of them have been consistently moving since this afternoon after the first one started doing it but that's it. :( no one has even tried to pip yet. Just come out!!!!!!
All of them have been consistently moving since this afternoon after the first one started doing it but that's it.
no one has even tried to pip yet. Just come out!!!!!!
I know it makes you crazy!
I've hatched over 3 years now and I still get anxious, run to the incubator just to peer in and knowing its not even time yet, lol. I have 44 chicks out of 60 eggs this week so far and several are hatching or zipping. It never gets old for me.
I can't really tell what my humidity is because the incubator's hydrometer is always telling the wrong humidity (switches back and forth between percentages constantly). I have a little giant still air incubator and I've heard others have had a problem with this as well but I just do the best I can and fill the trays with water. These little guys are jiggling around I just wish they would take the next step!
I know I have read this but have forgotten! At what age should they begin to lay? I am just hearing the females call and one male.
I can't really tell what my humidity is because the incubator's hydrometer is always telling the wrong humidity (switches back and forth between percentages constantly). I have a little giant still air incubator and I've heard others have had a problem with this as well but I just do the best I can and fill the trays with water. These little guys are jiggling around I just wish they would take the next step!

LOL.. they will hopefully! If you have the water tray full you are good. Hope they pop out by morning!
I know I have read this but have forgotten! At what age should they begin to lay? I am just hearing the females call and one male.
6-8 weeks depending on the line of birds you have and what they are eating.
LOL.. they will hopefully! If you have the water tray full you are good. Hope they pop out by morning!
6-8 weeks depending on the line of birds you have and what they are eating.

6 weeks now I think they are. My coffee has yet to kick in. The line I am not sure of but I can ask next time I go to the hatchery. Hmm may go this weekend and look around now I think of it. They are on game bird feed and chick starter mix, half/half.
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