Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

@spearquit You will also find a lot of help and ideas under the Bobwhite Quail section here. I raise both species, my bobs are for pure enjoyment, as they are smaller and take a long time to mature compared to Coturnix quail.
Can anyone tell me what sex this bird is? I am thinking it's a she but not sure? It's a cinnamon, sorry my fingers are covering part of its breast feathers. Second picture it's a little over cast but shows her back.

looks like a female to me, The males have light chests with a striped or like a checkerboard pattern. I raise these for eggs and meat. I raise Bob whites just for the enjoyment of their songs.
there is a lot of information on here as well as the bob white area of BYC. Tons of data on line from colleges. Wire floors covered in vinyl or not have been my biggest problem. Solved this using rabbit rest mats purchased at BASS CAGE CO. on line. no more bloody feet, and super easy to clean off. Good luck
Just new to this forum, already learning a lot! btw my name is Ian from Melbourne Australia.

Got me 12 Coturnix females tonight (6 weeks old) from a farm that supplies eggs and meat.

when we arrived there were 2 eggs in the box! :) my two young daughters ( 2 and 4 yrs old) were wrapped!

We got these 12 Quails for Eggs.

Question on Feed, we can get a starter feed with 28% protein and a finisher feed with 22% protein

been reading that for Laying, best to go with Hi protein, so shall I keep it on starter all the time with the 28% protein?
Those in Australia if u can recommend other feed that's good to use pls do so :)

Happy new year to all!

Yes stay on the highest chick starter you can find, that will be fine, I am able to get a 30% game bird feed here but it is $30 a 50 lb bag, it lasts a long time. Make sure to give crushed oyster shell to support egg production. I also feed greens, meal worms and grains like white millet, shelled sunflower and peanuts. I would also offer grit, I sift a large bag of chicken grit to get the size they can use. I also will further crush my oyster shell to a size they can eat. I feed all of my stock the best I possibly can. No point in skimping if it is for food or fun I believe.They love greens by the way and get vitamins and minerals from them as well. I raise chicory and radish tops. Will start a mixed feed plot on spring. Water soluble B-12 and a vitamin/mineral concentrate is easily obtained, Mix like you would for chickens, They drink it down. The mineral stuff is very strong smelling so I use about 3/4 ounce for a gallon of water for that one.
Be careful to have the right male to female ratio, I like 4-5 female per male. I have found that a 3-1 ratio, the hens get beat up pretty good. OK, you may have a lesser fertility rate with 5-1, but the hens are healthier for it. You do know that coturnix wont set their eggs, all have to be incubated to hatch.
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