Could the wire in the bottom of the incubator be harmful to the chicks

Anything you put over the mesh has the potential to cause problems. Unless I'm hatching button chicks I don't add anything. Even bantams and coturnix quail are fine on the standard mesh that comes with the bator. For buttons I just put screen door mesh over the larger mesh. Do not use anything solid. It will block air movement and humidity. Do not use anything absorbent. It will interfere with humidity and may suck moisture from a hatching chick. I have heard of one person that killed a hatch with shelf liner because the new material put off fumes. I know plenty do use it but like I said anything you add has the potential to cause problems. I've had 100s hatch fine on the mesh and plenty of other people have hatched more.
I also use the rubberized shelf liner that I get at the dollar store. Makes cleanup alot easier and it can be washed and reused.
Congrats on your hatch. I just had my second one out of ten eggs hatch. They aren't actually due until tomorrow.
I have my eggs sitting in a shallow Plastic basket.
The ones that have small holes you can pick up at the dollar store.
I felt the wire may be harmful.
I'm using a homemade Styrofoam cooler incubator.

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