Counter vs Fridge what are your rules?

Japan does not wash and refrigerate. They sell like the UK, France, Germany, and every other European country.

Just google it.
Great tip! I did, and like I said, Japan, Australia, Canada, and Scandanavia wash eggs. They all must have commercial operations like you describe. The UK VACCINATES chickens for salmonella, the other countries may as well.
We store eggs on the counter unless we have more than we are going to eat and sell in a month. When we are in the peek of the egg season especially the warmer months they go in the fridge. Once in the fridge we continue to store them there. We are currently eating eggs laid midsummer. Clean eggs with good bloom and no cracks last more than 6 months in the refrigerator. This time of year I give a quick candle to the older eggs before cracking.
Store them wherever you have space whether that is your fridge or on the counter. Everyone has their own way of doing things and that’s okay. All I recommend is cracking your eggs into a small clear bowl just in case so you don’t ruin whatever you are making. A bad egg you will notice immediately by the smell or if it looks off toss it. If you are worried about bacteria or salmonella make sure you fully cook your eggs problem solved. I personally only collect clean eggs that I then store on my kitchen counter and I don’t count how long they have been there. I crack my eggs into a separate bowl, fully cook them and have never had a bad egg.
Our ladies have started laying & see lots of different info on unwashed counter & fridge lengths! What do you go by? we won’t have the volume to jar preserve & plan to give away half cartons when we hit peak laying.

A few from this week for ref—I think today’s egg is from a new lady laying as color is different! So far this week 5 from our cinnamin queen & think today’s is from our wheaten maran?

This is my 4th yr. I keep eggs on the the counter 2 - 3 wks and in the fridge up to 4 months unwashed. Yes the older ones float but have had only about 1\2 dozen bad eggs in 4 yrs

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