Counting your chickens

(2) flocks of layers and a broody hen plus 2 young roosters .Having a reliable food source of meat and eggs year round is important.The heavier flock are my main layers and they stay in the fence .The others flock is flighty and flies in and out of the fence all day. All my chickens blend well in a natural setting because they're barred or dark. I always manage to count them at least once a day and again at night on the roost .
I have between 30-35 chickens, including 2 definite and 2 maybe roosters. (I gotta say, it's hard to get a good count of moving chickens). I plan on selling the Lavender Orpingtons before winter because they are the ones struggling most in this weather -- I won't be going forward with them next year. I would like to go into winter with 20-25 chickens. I'll probably lose at least one over the winter to mystery death and a couple to predators (hawk migration season). The goal is to have 18 hens and 2 roos to start 2024. And hope feed prices don't go much higher.
What numbers are you planning to over winter and how do you plan for next year?
I just got 12 last minute bargain bin discount chicks so I can add to my flock of TWO hens before the chick purchasing season is over. Now we are over chicked and I have to figure out how to scale my chicken operation for the season/future. I've never owned chickens before so if you have advice please please share! Boyfriend just finished building a very very beautiful coop with four pull down egg doors. (Well, three because one will be the bar! Lol!). Seriously. We just bought 60 acres and we are just figuring it out as we go. Advice welcome.
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I just got 12 last minute bargain bin discount chicks so I can add to my flock of TWO hens before the chick purchasing season is over. Now we are over chicked and I have to figure out how to scale my chicken operation for the season/future. I've never owned chickens before so if you have advice please please share! Boyfriend just finished building a very very beautiful coop with four pull down egg doors. (Well, three because one will be the bar! Lol!). Seriously. We just bought 60 acres and we are just figuring it out as we go. Advice welcome.
This site has EVERYTHING you want to know about chicken raising, and lots you didn't know you needed to know.

(I prob wouldn't put my email address out there).

60 acres, wow! I am so envious! Good luck with your chickening journey. You'll have twice as many within a couple of years!
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I have eight chickens and I currently don't have any plans to add to or subtract from the chicken flock. Three of the eight will be seven years or older next year and they don't lay much. The other five are year-old Brahmas. I'm hoping they will make up for the other hens' lack of eggs in the winter.

Now for the ducks....I currently have 4 Muscovies. This is my first year with ducks and I will have to see if I like keeping them through the winter. If I do, I think I might let them hatch ducklings. The males will be eaten and the females sold, most likely, so I'll only be keeping a small number over winter.

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