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Hello,Thank you for this post! I've been trying to figure out a similar solution, as we have a pair of hawks that have decided to nest nearby and they are driving me crazy. I am going to look into the fishing line. Do you have a link to the specific product you bought? I don't fish, so I have no idea what/where to look for that.
From the pics, yours looks too to walk under? I need mine to be high enough I'm not having to crouch down under it, as it will be over my only route to the coop door. I was thinking of using those poles you can get for holding up string landscape lights around the perimiter and running the lines from the poles to the coop roof. Do you think they would hold the weight of all of that fishing line?
Im not sure what poles youre referring to, I just went on amazon and typed in "fiching line" and you can sleect the strength of the line youd like, I first went with 25 and then beefed it up to 50lb fishing line, it wasnt super exepsive, maybe $20 for around 1000-2000 yards of it maybe? The bright color also wards off the hawks.
To my knowledge I dont even think one has tried to get down inside of it either.
I am 5' 10" and i can walk under mine as my fence posts stick out around 6' above ground. There are a couple of "high spots" in the run where if I have workboots on and say a ballcap it might snag that top button of the ballcap. Other than that I can come and go as needed without issues.
All I can say is that this setup has worked for us to my knowledge, and we have a LOT of aerial predators, at least 6 hawks roaming daily and I have spotted an eagle and ospreys but I dont think they target chickens specifically but I could be wrong on that one.